RE: Japan Going to Dump Nuclear Wastewater Into Sea


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Hey hey hey! Guess who's back! hahaha

60 cent hive and 2 dollar hbd....yeah, like a lot of us, I'll spend more time on the hive-o-sphere. And your blog is a great place to start, and a great one to support. Just bumped you up to 30% on my auto voter...spreading my votes wide and thin, unfortunately that's the best I can do for now.

Always liked you blog. Bringing us the news we need to see, and "they" really don't want us to know about.

Yeah, that goodness. I thought that was then end of the world when that happend. But looks like government oppression is! hahaha Crazy world we live in.

Can't wait to eat some radio-active glowing sushi compliments of Japan. It's gonna be a special day when I begin to mutate into green goblin.

I was smart to cut my motor bike adventure short through Vietnam last year, and hop on one of the last planes to Thailand. I've been chillen in Chiang Mai in the North and the Islands in the south since March last year. Life is still good for the Travel Pro!

Hope you are well my friend and keep up the great blog!

