RE: Google, balloons and panoptic surveillance


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Dear @pedrobrito2004

Interesting read buddy. It's surely growing concern to witness how more and more efficient surveillance is becoming.

I wonder if at some point FB and google will be broken into few smaller businesses or will they carry on with their afwul and abusive monopolies.

It is not the first time that Google faces a problem with privacy questioning

Several days ago I had a flight connection to Switzerland. And imagine my shocked face when I received reminder from "google asistant" about my upcoming flight.

How could they know about it? Probably by "reading" my gmail emails :/ Google doesn't feel like trusted company those days.

Enjoy your sunday. Upvote on the way :)
Yours, Piotr


What you told also happened to a sister of mine, I had a work trip that she did not publish in any of her Social Networks, only the closest relatives knew about the trip because it was some work and the bosses did not want to divulge much ... and Advertising on hotels for your destination and events arrived to your gmail email to assist you on the days when you would be there ... evidently, we suspect that not only did you read your emails, but also that the system could analyze those of your contacts and create more effective personalized advertising.
That may be a golden dream for an advertising company, but it made me nervous, I don't like feeling SO under surveillance.
