RE: Drastic Measures Due To Covid


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I have a ridiculously old and pretty much useless "smart" phone. I keep location off almost all the time. I refuse all notifications of any kind. I usually leave it home when I leave the house, and if I do have it with me while driving, it is OFF. I leave it off for many more hours than it is on. I have a landline, two in fact.

I almost never use my smart phone. The reception is getting TERRIBLE on the thing. It tells me every single day that if I were to turn on location, I would get better service. No way. I am nearly off the thing entirely. It's really not that hard to do. Even though I have done all this, that suggestion that I turn on covid exposure info did get through to me once. I'm surprised it has taken this long to get through to you. It's not Boost's fault. My phone is an android via google.

One of the best things any of us can do to get out of this covid con is to stop using smart technology of any kind. Quick, easy, and inexpensive. I'm with you on this.


The battery is always supplying a small amount of juice to keep it in a standby state. Assume that it is really always on, because it likely is.

I have done all this, that suggestion that I turn on covid exposure info did get through to me once. I'm surprised it has taken this long to get through to you.

I think I've received some other notifications, but not quite like this one. I just dismissed before and didn't pay much mind, but this one really pissed me off.

Best to just smash the smart devices in my opinion. Get the Lithium Ion battery out first, because it could explode, (Youtube exploding phones to see how serious this could be.) and are also useful for futuremind projects. I want your Lithium Ion batteries :D

One of the best things any of us can do to get out of this covid con is to stop using smart technology of any kind. Quick, easy, and inexpensive. I'm with you on this.

I wish the 99% of everyone else could see this, it's like they flat out refuse because of their dopamine driven addiction :(


Many of us think all this technology is wonderful, and go get every device, and every upgrade, they can. I find those people the most difficult to discuss covid with. They are literally wired up to the narrative. Maybe their devices are broadcasting 24/7 in some way.

I hope to get rid of it. The trick will be getting my landline number to people without using my smart phone to get it to them. I'm off FB entirely too. I'm slowly pulling away from being wired, a cyborg of sorts.


Oh yeah, they can alter moods with flicker rates you know... might be the reason behind an ultra high sex drive at times. That's a different topic though perhaps.

You can get rid of it by giving it to futuremind.

There are good uses for the tech inside of it, even for an off grid community.

I will properly extract the goods.



Really good to know!!! When I get there, I will. I wish I had known this earlier - I gave away a lot of electronics recently.


Use a free online texting app to text them the info. There are plenty of them around I think. If you have trouble finding one I'll help you. Would love to see you on Discord again.


I'm on discord now and then. friend me again


Are you still on that same account? We're already friends, dropped you a message yesterday, so it should be popped up when you log in again :)


I have no idea!!! Every time I delete cookies I have to start a new discord account, so perhaps not. I don't see a friend request from you. What are your four digits I will send a request to you.


LOL - my first thought on reading this was "@owasco hast got to see this!" - and of course she saw it before I did. These "smart" phones are the biggest invasions of our privacy, and even if the phone is off, we can still be tracked (or so I was told). You can shut off the feature that allows Google to know your location, but they still know your location. Now I wonder if our electronics are ever truly turned off, or if we are monitored at all times.

@futuremind I do remember life before the days everyone on city sidewalks had ear buds and phones in hand - people loudly carrying on conversations on buses, in stores -

Our daughter chose to remain unemployed in 2020 (for four months in all) rather than get a job tracking Covid exposure. It would have paid well, and demand for workers was great, but she wanted no part of it. Her savings account took a hit, but she didn't contribute to the tracking. #proudparents of unemployed offspring :)


hahaha! proud parents of an unemployed progeny. You don't hear that often.

I believe you are more easily tracked if your phone is on and you use it. If the powers that be really want to locate you, of course they can - most of our cars have location devices in them. Sometimes I think of getting a bike, or a horse. I'm hoping this little old lady is flying under radars. But when covid first hit, and tracking was a really big thing (one of my daughters did get a tracing call, which she ignored. The next day, her boss had been notified of her whereabouts, and asked her about the), I left my phone at home whenever I went almost anywhere. I paid cash to be a little more certain I could not be traced. This has developed into a habit. I have at least some time every day when I cannot be reached. It's quite astonishing how much easier it is for me to feel at peace when I am out and about, rather than always available. The good old days.
