RE: Do Mongoose and Human Leaders Have Anything in Common?


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The Bible was right! Females are troublemakers. :)

Excellent article that shows some of the intricacies of non-human mammalian behavior. The study of 'simpler' organisms does provide an insight into our own more complex behavior. While we are an extremely adaptable species, we do so on the back of fundamental behavioral structures that can be gleaned in other species.

Those mongooses (mongoosi?) are ferocious little rascals. Though I could not help but notice that some of them wore collars in the video, which I imagine is part of some scientific research. To what extent are these collars influencing their behavior? In their own way of thinking, the mongoose might consider it a mark of something like hierarchical position, blemish, etc. Does it make them more aggressive? If I had a collar around my neck, I'd probably be unhappy too :)

Wonderful and well researched piece. 😀


Thank you for a great comment. I also noticed the collar. Aren't there studies about how the very fact of being in a study changes the outcome? Observation in itself affects the study participants. Wearing a big fat collar would seem to be an impediment of some kind to me, or stigma.

The females are troublemakers, but really, smart, aren't they :)) Ferocious mothers, also.

We are all focuses on the Ukraine war now, but there is always war. Just happens in parts of the world we don't relate to as closely.

Hope you are enjoying spring. Spring and fall. My favorite seasons.


Aren't there studies about how the very fact of being in a study changes the outcome?

Yea, researchers have to be painstakingly detailed in their experiments, particularly with human and non-human animals. In some studies, results that were attributed to animal behavior was actually the consequence of the laboratory setting and the behavior of the researchers themselves. Some limited research is better than none at all, however, and the example you showed is fantastic. Feisty females!

Spring at last! 🌻
