RE: Comers and goers


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I find Hive to be an extention of real life in regards to human behaviour. Most people have expectations. Few have build up character and endurance to go with dignity through highs and lows and stand tall and loyal. People give up on people after decades, after sacrifices, after hardships. We should not be surprised that they ditch a platform. Some people have it, some do not. But it can always be improved.

I believe in the power of people to change themselves if they trully want it. People have this amazing capacity of their brain to change their behaviour depending on what they think.

There is a shoe for every foot. And opportunies are everywhere. Most diamonds are in their rough state until a good eye sees the value.

You know, casting pearls in front of swine has been happening since ages. And it will continue. It is common nature. But there will always be a bunch of people who will stay and a bunch of people who will walk away. You can't motivate people who won't motivate themselves, it never works. People have to feel and see value for themselves in anything in order to commit long term. It is more a question of human nature rather than about the platform itself. There will always be many different platforms, the human nature is the same. At its core. The question is when will people change? Answer :when they will trully want to.


We should not be surprised that they ditch a platform.

No we shouldn't. It doesn't surprise me, but I still wonder what people get out of most of the other platforms, other than emotional narcotics.

People have this amazing capacity of their brain to change their behaviour depending on what they think.

For better or worse, yet most people allow the defaults and emotions decide the direction.

The question is when will people change? Answer :when they will trully want to.

People should look in the mirror and consider this.


Getting rid of any addiction takes time and first you have to admit you have a problem. Those who are on emotional narcotics see that as normal, because everyone else is doing it. Collective brain numbness taken at high levels of inner void. The brain is fed with junk stimulus, visual, audio, while the heart is empty. Quite disturbing emotionally.


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