RE: Changing To The Web 3.0 Mindset: It Is The Future

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I know exactly what you mean. Why people are so willing to give their content away for free is beyond me.

Unless people are using YouTube for SEO purposes to drive sales, then again, you'd get that on Hive eventually.

NB - there are several types/ grammar errors in this post, did you write in transit by any chance?


Why people are so willing to give their content away for free is beyond me.

Web 2.0 platforms aren't exactly raking in too much money per average content creator. Facebook' turnover per monthly active user is about $7 annually. Only a small fraction of the content posted has any monetary value.

But what really puzzles me is that people refuse to move their social media activities over to Hive where they could earn orders of magnitude more on their content than or any money in the first place. Why not have your conversations here where they can easily earn (in case you're active), say, a dollar a day rather than zero like on any other platform? Why not bring over everyone in your group of friends if you have a group of friends who have online conversations among themselves regularly? I have tried but to no avail. Stupid people. The $365 of free money per year like in the example is nice to get.


Actually you've just given me a nice idea for my favourite sort of post - if you times that by 10 years, you get $3000, times that by 30 you get $9000, add a little compounding, and that's a year's average salary right there, just for switching platforms - you could retire a year earlier!

And all for almost no extra effort.

No wonder they block crypto ads!


Then add in the influence one might accrue over time to enhance those payouts as more opportunities arise. The best time to earn is when a project is new and unfounded. The minimal amount of users means the reward pool is spread to a smaller group of people, enhancing their individual payouts.

Ultimately, people will likely be pushing things up a few years if they are active.

Posted Using LeoFinance


I was being deliberately cautious by not factoring such things in, but I agree - I think the potential for growth 'compounding' for early adopters is huge!

As long as you don't tarnish your reputation with too many typos ;)

Not that I'm guilt-free when it comes to those!


The great thing about the way all this is structured is that ability to be an early adopter keeps presenting itself. Each new project puts people in position to benefit. Yes the early Bitcoin train is gone. So is with Ethereum. But when you look at new DApps, the possibilities just keep forming.

Posted Using LeoFinance


Why not have your conversations here where they can easily earn (in case you're active), say, a dollar a day rather than zero like on any other platform? Why not bring over everyone in your group of friends if you have a group of friends who have online conversations among themselves regularly?

Where's the chat system here?
You expect people to stay connected through the comment section only? I also said this very thing to you on that conversation we had. That rewarding the time spent (that isn't blogging) here is missing and should be rewarding the "poor" people that aren't good at blogging.

"there's no reason to reward that and not everyone should get rewarded" you said.

Now you're using my ideas. Dude I might take you to court. Take your rewards from you! Kidding but that's sly.
