RE: Alex Jones Shows The Future: Avatar Broadcasting


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You still need a person to do the investigative research behind it, and in most cases, people tend to visually respond better to human faces, that's how we've been wired as a specie, that's how we develop social habits, that's how we recognize our parents for the first time when out of the womb, that's how we mate, etc...You get the point.

Now; if Alex Jones didn't physically go to Bohemian Grove 25 years ago, and took a video of the owl, the burning fire, the mock-sacrifice to Molloch that the elite worships, and most importantly the voices (human) of the people involved, all of this couldn't have been translated anonymously, and would have had very little impact as the reason it has such an impact on people, it's beacuse it has been recorded on camera, it's a tangible proof.

All this goes away in a world where there's no proof and everything become virtual, anonymous, unpalpable.

In other word, you need characters that people can relate to, "as if we were there with them" during their investigations, this why someone like Alex Jones, Andrew Tates, Jordan Petterson, are attractive to many. Because they don't hide, and inspire people to tell the truth (or at least a version of their truth, which is a different conversation).
