RE: Automation Going To Catapult Productivity


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If they can get this thing locked down it's going to save a lot. In terms of resource usage. We waste so much gas etc by sitting in traffic, going above speed limits pumping breaks and so on. If everything was autonomous and working in sync it would eliminate much of this wasteful ness. Again as you said though at the expense of thousands if not millions of jobs. However I feel it's going to be years before a driver isn't required behind as a back up. But not sure how someone could actually be alert and aware sitting there letting a robot drive.

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You bring up a point that most miss about autonomous vehicles. To start, they will drive like grandma obeying all speed limits. However, over time, as systems improve and people are removed from the equation, we will likely see the speeds increased. There is no reason why these vehicles cannot be traveling at 100 MPH on highways if all other vehicles on the road are autonomous.

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