RE: Is BITCOIN a world changer or a deep state honeypot in disguise?

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Crypto being developed by #satoshi to save humanity is a cool bedtime story, but there's really no way to prove it.

On the other side of the coin, it's very easy to prove Banking Firms invest in crypto and people like Bill 5ates have patents for social credit style apps that reward people crypto. Also you can prove how there are one or two accounts doing HUGE price manipulation of BTC.

The idea that crypto will save us is unprovable and a dangerous logical fallacy.

At the end of the day we do have a bit of power with investing in projects we trust like #weedcash. I highly doubt Richardcrill is trying to take over the word🤣Then again, are people like us who are crypto enthusiasts working for the system just like people working a 9-5 job?! It's something to consider.
