Raspberry Pi Foundation Launches Pi 400
Interesting new product released by the Raspberry Pi foundation.
Basically it is a Raspberry Pi 4 in a keyboard for $70. It is actually an improved Pi 4 running at higher clock rate and 4 GB edition.
Announcement Trailer
For $100 you can buy a complete kit that includes the Pi 400, Pi Mouse, Power Supply, SD Card, Micro-HDMI to HDMI cable.
I don't have one and likely don't have a need for a Pi 400, I do find it a good solution for people who only need to check email and surf the web. I've recommended iPads for many people in this situation but this fits the bill even better.
I do wish they went with some sort of SSD instead of using SD cards. SD Cards are notoriously unreliable when abruptly shutting down the computer, and this happens frequently with a PC. You can get 120GB SSD for around $20, it should have at least been an option. The performance difference with an SSD on a Pi over SD is huge.
The Raspberry Pi 4 is known to get really hot and the Raspberry Foundation dealt with that by including a large heat spreader inside of the keyboard.
One things I really like about the Pi 400 especially as a desktop computer is the placement of all I/O ports on the back of the device. There are some Raspberry Pi 4 cases that do this for you as well but they are really pricey coming in more than the Pi itself.
As I mentioned earlier, the Pi 400 is basically a Pi 4 4 GB model with higher clocks. This is confirmed with some early benchmarks of the device.
I think it was smart for the Raspberry Foundation to build this device around the 4 GB model, I frequently tell people the 2 GB is suitable 99% of the time, and I do believe that. But when you are using it as a Desktop device, the additional memory can help a lot. Desktop replacement is one of the few situations I'd suggest a 4 GB+ model. If you are doing clustering or a Bitcoin node is another situation you would need more ram, but for most everything else the 2 GB is more than enough.
I might end up getting one just to have test it out, I do have one interesting use case I thought of. I am considering moving my 3D printer away from my desk and I find it critical to have a computer next to it so I can make fine adjustments while calibrating the printer. Both 3D slicer programs I use (Cura & Simply3D) support Linux distributions. Almost all my Raspberry Pi's (10+) do not use TV or Monitors and are installed "headless" but this is one scenario where I'd need a keyboard, mouse, and monitor and this is a lot cheaper/small than a full PC.
I actually thought this might be a good portable device when I am on the go, as I always have to bring a laptop to remote in to my PC when on the go, but you still need to carry a display and this is far more clumsy than a Mac Book Air or similar device. I usually have my ipad, bluetooth Keyboard, Laptop, and iPhone so I already am carrying a keyboard with me.
This is a good time to release a desktop version of the Pi with the native Ubuntu distribution and the push to 64 bit.
Lastly, I am really happy to see the 40 pin GPIO exposed to the outside, this means you can still use this device to tinker with electronics.
computers made full circle :D
The first computer I ever had :)
My ex-brother-in-law, still has his and uses it...!!! The only computer he has ever owned😎
Me too!
I quite like this product, and if I hadn't already built the kit I have, this would be what I would buy now. It's basically a modernized version of all those classic PCs with an integrated keyboard.
For your 3D printer you can also run Klipper on the rPi and get substantial performance improvements over Marlin.
I was going to give Klipper a try when I upgrade the mainboard.
Yes. That's what I did. I upgraded my Ender 3 Pro mainboard to a SKR 1.3 with a rPi 4 running Klipper.
I really should do a post about it.
How much faster is it?
At least 100% faster.
I increased print speed from 50 to 100 mm/s in Cura with no ill effect.
I think it could go faster still.
I did a detailed post here: https://stemgeeks.net/hive-163521/@apshamilton/upgrading-the-ender-3-pro-with-klipper-on-raspberry-pi4-skr-1-3-mainboard-and-tmc2209-drivers
I think this is pretty awesome. I will probably pick up one or two of them to play around with once the supply is stabilized. I have a feeling they will be hard to get your hands on at first.
I really like that one. Just need to find a reason/use case to justify the buying. :)
cool device😎
This is very useful information, this mini computer looks so cool... I have a question though: What is the deal with SSD and SD? I mean cant I just plug this in: https://www.pricerunner.dk/pl/36-4218530/Harddiske/Samsung-Portable-SSD-T5-500GB-USB-3.1-Sammenlign-Priser and then a screen and I have a full functional computer?
"I do wish they went with some sort of SSD instead of using SD cards. SD Cards are notoriously unreliable when abruptly shutting down the computer, and this happens frequently with a PC. You can get 120GB SSD for around $20, it should have at least been an option. The performance difference with an SSD on a Pi over SD is huge."
I am not sure what you mean, I think one could just buy a SSD extern harddisk and set the bias to boot from it, then you would avoid the SD card, am I right?
I wonder whether the keyboard has a space to mount one internally?
Bruh, no it has not... but I found the answer, its easy to connect an external SSD harddisk and the SD card is very stabile these days, so what markymark writes is not relevant these days (that SDs are instabile), shame on you @themarkymark for ignoring me and providing wrong information :)
I didn't see your question even come in on Gina.
You can use a USB 3 cable (I have a post that goes into this for the Pi 4 but should be very similar) to boot off SSD.
I really think the device should have come with SSD as desktop usage really isn't good on an SD card and they could have done a good sized SSD for only $20. Likely even fit it inside of the keyboard (ideal).
I didn't provide the wrong information, I assumed it was obvious you could use an external SSD or even use an SSD cable like the one in my post above. I was mainly referring to what they provide and how they could have done it internally for a much better product.
ok sorry for shaming you, yeah I guess it was obvious that one could use an external harddisk. I see your point, my roommate told me that SD cards are stabile these days, but yes I am also skeptical of running my computer with a SD card as "harddrive" :)...
Keep it up dude, earth is flat, research it!
SD are fairly stable, unless you pull the power then they run a higher than normal chance of corrupting. But more importantly they are slow as shit, especially random reads.
That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard in my life.
Thanks for your earnest response, you are brainwashed by the Illuminati, thats why you think that. Keep it up anyway :)
You can solve this really easy. Buy a $40 weather balloon, and a cheap mobile phone, send it up with the camera streaming, you will have your answer within 2 hours.
Better yet, I'll give you 1,000 Hive for a really good picture of the edge of the Earth.
and a treat for you:
not sure its the right video where it hits something (dome?).. I dont have time... things are speeding up these days for lassecash...
but this video is worth watching:
^^ 100% quality music video with flat earth proofs inside the video.
Rest assure people will wake up with decentralized video services like LBRY/ODYSEE, its only a matter of time.
You had time to respond and throw in your remark that the Earth is flat, but not enough to actually prove to yourself it isn't for a few measly bucks.
How is Lassecash speeding up? There was less than $15 of volume in the last 24 hours.
Things are happening behind the scene, you are not in a position that I like to tell you more. Lets see how it works out :)
How is Lasse's Angels coming?
^^the program runs till next summer so there is hope... the lassesangels been sleeping for some time now :)
Thanks man, this gave me a big chuckle, I felt like Santa Claus for a second.
I see you are still trying to pump your own coin. How long can you keep that going?
LASSECASH will probably live longer then me, its the plan to migrate to SMTs or better tech at one point... we have the truth on our side... anyway I will give you a little more info, some local people got interested, I am not saying more.
Bye Marky.. you are good at the bottom, there is just very fare down hahaha
Surely you have lots of pictures of the edge of the Earth you could share.
we are not allowed close to the icewall.. military controlled by the Illuminati guard the icewall!
So your saying all four sides are covered in ice?
or more land beyond the icewall:
You can prove to yourself with just a model rocket the Earth isn’t flat.
I knew all this 3 years ago, the proof is here:
^^so much for your home made rocket, its flat ballhead!
The footage was filmed with a wide angle lens, so at some points it appears flat, but if you actually watch the full videos from the guy himself, you can see it's clearly not flat.
Here's the whole video directly from the person who did the piggy flight, educate yourself.
I feel sorry you wasted so much of your life believing that bs.
One thing flat earthers are good at, is tiny a tiny part of something to prove their delusion.
In your dreams. its flat... now I think its better I dont respond so much more.
Knew that was coming, cause the proof is right in front of you using your own "source".
Good time to exit the conversation.
naaa we are going in circles. You think its a ball and I know the ball is a devils lie. No need to repeat real info to you in endless circles.
We are, because we are on a round Earth.
The proof is up there in your own video, just watch the full thing, not the 2 second clip you ripped out of it.
I am not going to dispute that, other then say that when his recording is right, its flat. We have many proofs.
You are brainwashed by the Illuminati and it is you we shall be sorry for, not the other way around.
People are waking up to the truth, but you are clearly not.
So lets end it here, I actually for the most part dont go so fare in the discussion anymore... I have better things to do... you brainwashed slaves will fell the consequences one way or the other. I know the truth, its flat!
Tchau and your Stem tribe is BS, since you are brainwashed!
Your own source proves otherwise you just have to look at entire video not just a 2 second clip that meets your agenda.
yadayadayada, I have heard that 1000 times... but its still flat... research it BALLHEAD!!!!
Here is a PILL for you:
Now go research it on your own!
You can’t even watch your own video when you realize it no longer pushes your agenda.
yadayadayada, WAKE UP BALLHEAD ITS FLAT!!!!
I am busy promoting my tribe, but here is a standard answer for you: Let me break it to you: The moon is a COLD light. Earth is flat. Please research it.
#flatearth #anarchocapitalism #lassecash
My favorite flat earthers on youtube:
Please watch all those 3 youtubers videos on #flatearth, then you might realize the truth, that the earth is flat.