Texting preferences


I can’t recall the exact year I changed my texting style from using abbreviations to texting in full. Now, I frown when someone texts me with exaggerated abbreviations, such as using '10X' instead of 'thanks.' I wonder why the person can’t just remove the 'a' in 'thanks' to make it 'thnks,' which would seem more normal. This is one of the reasons I opted out of this texting style, the exaggerated types look odd.

So that’s it—I frown at unnecessary abbreviations. It’s one of my big "don'ts" in texting. It’s not like I don’t accept them from people—I do—but I don’t text back that way. And I also frown when I receive extremely unnecessary abbreviations like the one I mentioned above or something like 'l8er,' which stands for 'later' 😭.

Why am I like this?

I wasn’t like this when I first started texting. I think I changed as I grew up in the tech world and realized that many things we do online are unnecessary. Some people use these kinds of abbreviations as a quicker means of texting, but come on, the time it takes to type the '8' in 'l8er' could just as easily be used to type 'later' twice in a second. Don’t you think so?

When I’m texting, I don’t think abbreviating makes me type faster. No, it’s the same speed. So instead of shortening my words, I prefer to write them in full, making them clearer and more understandable for the reader. The only time I abbreviate is when I’m limited by space, such as when sending an SMS. But even then, I often don’t feel the need to abbreviate. I still go ahead and type in full because it gives me the pleasure of fully expressing myself. This is the main reason I often use a particular free messaging app to send SMS, where I can type as many words as I want, include emojis, and not be charged.

I’m a big fan of emojis!

If I could, I would even add emojis to official letters like job applications. Typing and communicating without emojis feels weird to me. It makes the chat look so boring. That’s why you’ll rarely find me in conversations where I’m not permitted to use emojis. Yes, I do have some people on my WhatsApp contact list who frown at emojis, and our chats are always very strict, which I’m not fond of.

I was so used to emojis that I was once asked in one of the communities in this blockchain to tone down the number of emojis I used in my articles. I understood the reasoning behind the request, and that’s why you can now read some of my blockchain write-ups without seeing emojis. However, when it comes to the comment sections, there’s no way I’m not using emojis.

Thanks for reading.

This is my entry to the Week 130, Edition 03 of the Weekly Featured contest in Hive Learners Community

Image source 1 & 2


Now I understand the reason for tagging me too serious

Now, this is interesting
Emoji lord sir


Lol 😂
I need to go and read again to see where you picked the too serious thing 😂.
Thank you for stopping by dear


HeheM, this is actually funny.😂

Av a nyc day.😂
