An event that must never be repeated


An event that must never be repeated

Souce The detonation caused an orange-red Aurora

July 9 marked the 60th anniversary of something that hopefully will not be repeated, on July 9, 1962, the United States Army detonated a 1.4-megaton thermonuclear warhead in space, it was about 400 kilometers above the Pacific Ocean, it was the test called Starfish Prime and this is related to space weather because it was the first time in history that humans created a geomagnetic storm.


That storm came to dazzle and be seen in Honolulu 1450 kilometers from the place of the explosion, in fact, an artificial Aurora was created and the geomagnetic storm spread over hundreds of miles, the effects had a much greater impact than expected. expected, the explosion caused an electromagnetic pulse and a burst of radiation that ionized the upper atmosphere.


From Hawaii to New Zealand the auroras could be seen, a phenomenon that is extremely rare to see at those latitudes, the radios and streetlights were turned off in Hawaii and a radiation belt was created that lasted several months and that totally damaged and destroyed several United States satellites. States, in addition to one British and one from the Soviet Union.

We hope that this type of explosions and tests do not occur again.


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