RE: My opinion about AI art and a thought on society.


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I am currently practicing to become an artist myself, and I gotta say, one of the best things I think about being an artist is that you could look at an amazing piece of artwork you created and get this incredibly rewarding feeling of satisfaction knowing that it took you years of practice and learning in order for you to create said artwork. That's a feeling "AI Artists" will never experience.


Of course I know exactly what you mentionned and you right.
But, as I consider the produced images by AI as a kind of art, it would clearly be pompous to claim to be an artist because we only have released an image with MidJourney.
But again, it is not a specificity about AI, it goes back to what I was saying about intellectual laziness - some people want a result without efforts, and claim to be artists just because they have drawn a line on a sheet of paper (sometimes even without any line).
But again, this is a matter of opinion. If defining what is art is difficult, defining what makes an artist is even more difficult.
Because there is a kind of legitimacy to acquire, to be recognised as such by one's own people.

But you presume that the AI produces a finished image and that the person using it will stop there. In fact, in most cases, it's just the beginning of the work.
The AI will have done its part, and then the person will make it their own, do a photomontage, recreate their own image, or be inspired to create another, making them an artist in the most common sense.

What finally differentiates the use of images by AI from the use of photos in the creative process?
If only the possibility of having a better search engine, and images that can be used freely for our creations?

Have a nice day, thanks for having left a comment :)


it would clearly be pompous to claim to be an artist because we only have released an image with MidJourney

Sorry to say, this is precisely what is happening, because most people want quick and easy, not a long journey of commitment and discipline. It is worse than pompous, it is fraudulent.

I see art platforms being flooded with AI images, and attempting to sell them as their own, even targeting specific artists and their styles.

in most cases, it's just the beginning of the work

It is the exception not the rule.

I see the tide of wannabe AI "artists" making groups where they can share in the group mind think and self congratulate themselves on the effortless images that an algorithm generates for them, and claim it as their own. Of course everyone in these groups thinks the same and so the circle jerk continues, reinforcing the self-delusion.


Agreed! Art is not just the end "product". For more traditional forms of art, it requires self-discipline and mastery of the technique, materials and most importantly, of oneself.

AI "artists" never have to go through this and will never achieve any level of mastery.
