Multiverse Tech and How Me & Her Are Disrupting Valentine's Day Tomorrow



Ready for some Techyyy love?

Tomorrow is a big day for me and Chrys. After taking a short break to focus on ourselves, we've come up with a unique way to celebrate Valentine's Day: a virtual date in Second Life. She wanted it more than I ever thought about spending time in SL.

Since we came from Malaysia, we had been separated. This is one of the last pics I got with her from Bukit Bintang.

But, because I haven't seen Chrys in 2 weeks, I can hardly contain my excitement and I think about the adventures that await us tomorrow. Chrys and I have decided to meet up in Second Life, where we'll spend an hour exploring together as our avatars. It may not be the most traditional way to celebrate, but we're both thrilled at the idea of trying something new and creating special memories together.

There's so much to choose from in Second Life, it's hard to decide where to start. I've been eyeing Delacruz Park, a beautiful spot with waterfalls and winding paths—a perfect setting for a romantic picnic.Feel free to check it out here and if you own a SL account, you can teleport yourself directly from here

Chrys, on the other hand, is more interested in finding something whimsical and enchanting. She suggested this page for me to have a look at. We've also been checking out the events happening on Second Life's official page for Valentine's Day, like romantic dinners and live music performances. Annnndd...we haven't decided yet. I think I'll just have whatever she's having....:)
We she be swallowing me in her uni/multi/metaverse? I tried to picture her as a godess there:

As I scroll through the options she sent me, I can't help but feel a sense of much sweet.... The thought of exploring new places, meeting new people, and sharing laughs with Chrys fills me with excitement. But doing a romantic dinner in SL is not that fun to me.

Even though we're apart right now, our love is stronger ...I dare to think and to believe this and I hope I'm not stupid and that this is real at both sides. Tomorrow's virtual adventure will disrupt our usual habits of Valentine's Day and we'll be embracing new experiences and cherishing the time we have together, even if it's in a virtual world. That's a huge PLUS to me as I am in Second Life for quite a while and in different metaverses with geo-locations. So I love this kind of Techy aspect of this next V-day :)

So here's to tomorrow—a day of fun, laughter, and love as we explore Second Life together. I can't wait to see where our adventure takes us.

Thanks for reading and see you, maybe, in Second Life, as well!

With respect,

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