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Viki Secrets
282 Following
Vienna, Austria
One little secret a day 😍 by Viktor, Content Miner, Computer Scientist, Crypto Lover, Former Ad Blocker Dev 🦄
1 day ago
RE: I invested in an air purifier, surprising result, here is what I learned about air quality.
I don't have an air purifier and never really thought about using it. So I am not sure if it pays off or not.
2 days ago
RE: I invested in an air purifier, surprising result, here is what I learned about air quality.
There are also UV Sterilization lamps available to treat rooms of germs, bacteria and viruses. If you google it, you would find many on Amazon. However, there are safety…
2 days ago
RE: I invested in an air purifier, surprising result, here is what I learned about air quality.
Im Prinzip wollte ich das gleiche schreiben wie weitblicker. 😅 Da ich unter einer Staub und auch Pollenallergie leide, wäre so etwas wirklich eine Überlegung Wert, wenn es denn…
2 days ago
RE: I invested in an air purifier, surprising result, here is what I learned about air quality.
Sehr interessant, hab auch schon überlegt mir so ein Ding zuzulegen. Ich war bislang aber noch etwas skeptisch ob es tatsächlich Verbesserungen mit sich bringt.
2 days ago
RE: I invested in an air purifier, surprising result, here is what I learned about air quality.
Ich habe im Laufe der Jahre immer wieder ein solches Stück am Start gehabt. Alle ohne Messung, aber die Luft ist auf jeden Fall klarer. Das Wechseln der Filter ist ein bisschen…
2 days ago
RE: I invested in an air purifier, surprising result, here is what I learned about air quality.
I wish to get one also
2 days ago
RE: I invested in an air purifier, surprising result, here is what I learned about air quality.
I've been thinking of getting an air purifier for the longest time, but I always end up dismissing it as a scam product in my head for some reason. Like my brain doesn't want to…
2 days ago
RE: I invested in an air purifier, surprising result, here is what I learned about air quality.
Ei sowas liegt es ja oft daran wo man misst und so wirds in Wien auch sein. Normal wird denke eher dort gemessen wo die Belastung höher ausfällt und nicht dort wo es niedrig…
2 days ago
RE: I invested in an air purifier, surprising result, here is what I learned about air quality.
I'm thinking about buying an air purifier.
2 days ago
RE: I invested in an air purifier, surprising result, here is what I learned about air quality.
I don't have it, how much it costs? I guess you need like one per room and change filter from time to time !PIZZA
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