Personal Reflections on the Interconnection Between the Outside World and Us

Each time I reflect on the big question of what's outside our planet, I usually arrive at a point of awe and curiosity, because through the years and with the evolution of technology, we've come to see that the universal is way beyond what we've around us, realizing that other planets exist and not forgetting the concept of a supreme being, and one thing I've come to realize is that what's outside has a vast impact on us and so does we to such.

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The concept of outer space cuts across many things, from other planets to aliens to supreme beings such as God, Astrod, the sun, and many more. All of these things have an interconnected impact on our lives, and that's because we, our world, and most things around it in a way depend on what's happening out there, from the sun for photosynthesis to our plants and food to how other things around the universe influence our natural phenomena like our weather and seasons, which go on to influence our mood, way of life, and activities in such times.

I believe this shows how the influences and balances of the outside world impact life on earth. The universe is like a spider web, and we're interconnected with it. Everything, in one way or another, is interrelated by our impact on upholding or destructing nature, such as deforestation, pollution, bush burning, influencing climate change, and the like, positively conserving the ecosystem, using technology innovation to explore space, and influencing the outcome of the world.

In terms of spiritual aspects, we've got loads of religious beliefs around the world, and most of them involve something or a supreme being residing outside the world that governs and judges us for our actions here on earth. Most people pray, sacrifice, and have the belief that someone is listening and honoring their requests. In fact, we've come to see people who claim to have had an encounter with a supreme being via trance and the like during their diverse practice of their religion.

I personally belong to a religious group myself and have seen various things that make me think beyond rational minds because some of the things that play out indicate that there's something out there that influences us here on earth, and as much as it influences us, it's worth noting that I believe we also do the same, because most of these supreme beings believe in my man, and it mostly depends on us to worship or pray to her, and without our belief in them, they're absolutely nothing to us, so it's a vice versa dependent in my opinion.

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If we look at what is outside the world from a scientific angle, then we're talking about logical and rational aspects, thinking of the sun, moon, planets, stars, solar system, and the like. In movies, we've come to see some believe that aliens and other intelligent beings reside outside our world, although most are painted to be either ugly or evil. But what most believe is that they're quite intelligent and have advanced technology that's way beyond what we've invented here.

There have been signs of UFOs and alien sightings around the world in real life, although I've not seen any. I've actually seen video clips online to prove that, but for NASA and other top world countries to keep track of these, it shows that they truly exist and, for one reason or another, do visit our world as much as we tried to explore space to see theirs and what lies outside the shore of earth.

I remember watching a documentary on the why files, and one particular series was about the Anunnaki, a supreme race that reside in a place regarded as Nibiru (planets x or 9). It was allegded in the documentary that their world was dying due to a toxic environment disaster, and as that happened, they discovered that gold was a valuable natural resource that could save their planet because it has a particular property that naturally cleans the environment.

As they don't have much of it, they traveled through space and discovered that we here on earth have gold in abundance, and it was believed that during this era gold mining began in the world. I learned that humans were used as slaves to mine gold to save their world. It was after their exploit that we humans discovered the major importance of gold, which is not just a precious stone but an effective tool for environmental cleaning and a valuable ingredient in space travel.

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Regardless of whether this is true or not, reality begs us to believe it is. I mean, how did gold evolve from just an accessory to one of the most valuable stones on earth? Now, where I'm driving is that one way or another, and either way we look at this perspective of earth and the outside world, one thing we usually end up at is that we're interconnected and the influence worked in both ways, and the belief of the anunnaki can be traced to the Sumerian expression in 4000 BC.

One unique thing about this Sumerian belief and the most popular world religions like Christianity and Islam is that most have almost similar beliefs and begin, if having a first man created, call Adam in Christianity and Islam but Adamu in Sumerian, the similarities are that all were created by a supreme being who used a part of them and the earth to form the first man.

In a nutshell, science, spiritual understanding, and wisdom need to strike a balance for us to truly understand what lies on the horizon of the outer world. The environment around us, here on earth and outside, influences our lives. Many theories have proven this, and we must acknowledge it in order to better understand things. In my opinion, this question of what's outside the world gives us an open letter of curiosity to explore the universe and understand the connections that bind us together.

This is my entry for the day 8 of the #juneinleo prompt of the #inLeo initiative, if you'd love to participate, you can read days about it in the announcement post.

Thanks so much for your time. Have a wonderful day ahead and stay blessed.

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Posted Using InLeo Alpha

76.959 STEM


Nice text! For me we can mix science and religion…. Religion isn’t science based and vice versa.
I respect your search for the unexplainable by these documentaries but for me they are science fiction yet. The pentagon released the videos of the UFO’s not nasa by the way. Many of them have explanation behind only one or two that still is a mystery … but I prefer to wait until the the real explanation comes with proofs , even if there are really green beings behind it!

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0.000 STEM

That's intriguing, they're are different mist all over the place, of a truth nothing is real until it's proven to be true.
But I sees this in the angle that there's no smoke without fire.

But then let's see what'll be reveal in the near future.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts and your support.

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interesting story about the Anunnaki and it's the first time I'm hearing it. The only thing I knew about them was that they built the pyramids in Egypt and other places in the world, I don't know if that is true.

0.000 STEM

Thanks, it's a intriguing one, you can watch the documentary on them on The Why File, that's where I usually watch different documentaries and conspiracy theories.

I did hear about the pyramids and how they were alleged to be the one who influences the great Noah flood and the likes.

0.000 STEM

Great post!! very interesting, I love this kind of themes🙌👏👏

0.000 STEM