Alcohol vs Hard Drugs: Should We Ban Both for a Better Society?

There has been this widespread debate as to whether alcohol consumption should be treated the same way hard drugs are, and if you critically look at this, you will notice that alcohol is widely accepted while hard drugs are not, making me stand in awe as to whether they're in any way different from each other. But in order for us to better understand this and decide on the way forward, I think it's best if we first compare the effects of alcohol and then compare them with those of hard drugs and come to a conclusion.


In the community where I grew up, alcohol seems to be a drink for adults or something to drink with the guys and have fun and get high, and through the years, that has spread to the point where even the young ones have consumed it. To many, it's not entirely bad, and who am I to disagree with them? But the excess consumption of alcohol has caused a lot of damage to people's health and havoc on the community.

The consumption of alcohol, although enjoyable to the consumer, has side effects on one's health in terms of disease, cardiovascular issues, liver disease, and even neurological damage, and all of these mostly happen in a gradual process, although when you consume a larger quantity of alcohol, the effects will show up immediately. But even aside from those internal issues, the physical side effects are also there. For instance, you might see a drunk man staggering homeward and, in the process, walking into a ditch with open drainage and, in the process, falling and sustaining physical injuries.

And that's not forgetting the havoc that causes on our highway every year. There are countless numbers of drunk drivers out there who, due to the intoxication of the alcohol, lose their sense of consciousness and either, in the process, hit someone else or ram into something else, in the process either killing themselves or others, sustaining injuries, or destroying properties.

Alcohol consumption doesn't stop at that because it also causes a multitude of issues at home too, from influencing domestic violence to several incidents within the house, and that's not forgetting the implications that it has on our law enforcement agency, who has to work around the clock to solve issues and crimes that arise due to the consumption of alcohol by the citizens, as well as making the health workers have all hands on deck as they're present with more patients from a drunk driver accident, domestic violence, imperial decision-making influenced by alcohol consumption, and many more, to mention but a few.


When we look at hard drugs and their side effects, I know we'll all agree that they're more potent and then react almost immediately to the consumer. Drugs like cocaine, heroin, Colorado, and the like almost immediately react on their users, affecting their body and brain, ultimately causing severe health complications and issues, and their consumption can lead consumers to do almost every negative thing an alcoholic would do.

So with that being stated, it indicates that for me personally, alcohol consumption is not a lesser evil than hard drug consumption, and both should be treated equally in order to have a community of the same and well organized citizens where the dangerous alcohol and hard drugs pose won't triumph, and it's that kind of place I want and would love to be, and to make this more understandable, I'll share a personal ordeal that I hope will help users and prospective users desist from drinking it again.

Earlier this year, I remember writing about having a health issue related to my liver, and when I went to the hospital for treatment, I was asked to do a series of tests so the doctors could know the way forward regarding the kind of medication they'll place me on and the treatment that'll be administered to me. So I prepared to take the paper and was about to leave the office of the doctor when she altered a word.

She said, and I quote, with this big stomach, just pray the alcohol you've been consuming hasn't damaged your liver beyond repair, and I had to stop and let her know I've never drank alcohol all my life. She didn't believe me and was like, If you lie to everyone, don't even lie to your doctor. I stood my ground, and she was like, No problem, go and do the test; we'll find out soon enough.


I went for the test, and by the time the results were out and I took it to her, she read through it in awe with mouth agape in disbelief that, in truth, I've never tasted alcohol. She apologized and said I'm lucky, because had I been the kind of person who consumes alcohol, then it would have damaged my liver more, and the recent illness I've had would have made me hospitalized and bedridden within a month.

With that realization, I was glad and patted myself on the back that I took a stand against alcohol consumption when I was younger, even though it felt like a normal thing to do and all my friends drank it back then, and I know had I joined them then, it would have been a different story. I'm writing presents, and my ordeal would be unpleasant as well.

So with that being said, I won't think twice if I've got the opportunity to ban the consumption of alcohol. Just as hard drugs are fucked upon by the community, they ain't too different from each other, and ultimately they lead to the same end: health issues, domestic violence, accidents, influencing crime, and many more, so it going away would be a good thing going forward.

It'll be a good thing and influence the community in the sense that it'll reduce the issues of domestic violence, car accidents such as drinking and drinking, limit the crime rate, the myriad of health issues that follow consumption of alcohol, and the like, and all of these go on to make society a safe haven for everyone.

So in other words, both hard drugs and alcohol pose great dangers to their consumption and should be given the same limit or bad by society, because there's no point in saying don't drink and drink. Since we know alcohol influences these incidents, it's best to do away with it, and if not, educating people about its dangers is another way forward, so they'll know what they're consuming and the end results if they don't stop or limit the quality they consume.

That's about it for now. I hope you enjoyed the read. Please share your take on the subject matter in the comment section. Have a wonderful day ahead, and stay blessed.

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Bob Marley used to say; "Herb is the healing of a nation, alcohol is the destruction."
mr bean GIF


They're both actually dangerous, I guess he said so because he takes marijuana.


Drugs and alcohol are two things that are affecting the society. If the government can place a ban on it, the risks and effects will reduce drastically


Yea that's absolutely correct, and we need to take this measures for the good of our people.


The problem is that in My dear country, most of the people are non compliant,
We no dey gree follow rules sometimes 😂


Yea that's dishearting and people need to be apprehended and taught a lesson for others to learn.


Indeed there are a lot of similar damages both alcohol and hard drugs share, that God you weren't given to alcohol who knows what would have happened


Yea that's true, it's true, had I been into it, I'll be damn by now.
