AI revolution reminisces the Industrial revolution

Picture made with Canva by me

Since Chat-GPT was made available to the public last year, several individuals and the media have focused heavily on the strength and potential of "Artificial intelligence." Despite the fact that the idea of artificial intelligence is not new and has slowly infused into our daily lives even before the introduction of chat-GPT.

The truth is that chat-GPT and other chatbots are only a small part of what artificial intelligence is all about, which many people are unaware of. For instance, artificially intelligent robots have long performed various manufacturing and assembly tasks in the automotive industry.

As a result of the extensive media attention and growing interest in artificial intelligence, people's anxieties and concerns have increased. Job security is the main issue of the impact of artificial intelligence. The uncertainty and anxiety people have about AI aren't unwarranted, and they may be compared to the dread and anxiety the industrial revolution in the 19th century brought.

Industrial revolution

I'll give you a brief explanation of the industrial revolution for those who don't know what it was:

In the middle of the 19th century, there was an era known as the industrial revolution, in which innovations like steam engines were used to automate many tasks that had previously been done manually. These machines increased production, which increased profits for business owners by being more productive than manual laborers.

Thousands of people in Great Britain lost their jobs as a result of the industrial revolution, despite all of its benefits. Workers protested against the use of machines and the associated job losses, but these demonstrations and strikes had little impact on the future since no business owner was ready to forego the income that machines can help them generate. Workers eventually discovered a way to collaborate with machines, and they stopped seeing them as adversaries.

Similar to the industrial revolution, the computer revolution in the late 20th century saw the computerization of numerous occupational duties, which reduced the demand for labor across industries. In the twenty-first century, the artificial intelligence revolution has arrived, and it is about to alter how the job market will seem in the near future. Even if we imagine it in a futuristic environment, some occupations can't be entirely replaced by AI even as we speak.

AI and Job security

But many people, like me, are quite concerned about the possibility that some jobs could become obsolete in the very near future. And because of that, I find myself asking the same question posed in the prompt:

"What is it that you can do that even the rule of AI will never take away from you?"

I would respond, "being human," to that question in every futuristic context. Artificial intelligence cannot become human, despite the fact that it may be smarter and more effective than humans in practically all activities. Humans are unique since they are the ones who created them.

While the industrial revolution eliminated many of the old jobs, it also gave rise to many new ones that were never imaginable before the invention of machines. In addition to eliminating many occupations, the computer era also gave rise to many new ones. Therefore, even if certain occupations are now being affected by artificial intelligence or will be in the near future, humans only need to adapt since new employment and possibilities will be brought about by AI.

AI is just a tool!

The best course of action is to go with the flow rather than resent AI. We should also make sure we are up-to-date and open-minded to the shift and revolution that artificial intelligence will bring. Recall that AI is a tool, and how we utilize it is what counts.

Thank you for reading!



I can't agree less about AO being able to do most thing in the nearest future to the point where humans would just need to tag along, it's improvement on a daily are breathtaking.

Hmmm being human is something indeed, but I'm just wondering how you'll survive with that if ai takes over all industries.


It won't take all, and we have to learn to coexist with it. AI as I said is a tool and if used wisely will reduce many problems facing humans.


Yea that's true, it's a tool to make life easier and help in our activities.


Couldn't agree more with this. Like you pointed out AI is more of a tool and if we are wise we should see it that way and find a way to incorporate it into our works.


Exactly, thanks for sharing my view.


Yes, AI is just a tool and not like humans. No matter what, we can still survive with some skills because AI doesn't have a lot to give out when it comes to humans feelings and emotions.


yeah, thanks for reading and the comment princess
