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I am interested in getting the heartbeat back / By Profession - Infection Preventionist / Mater in Emergency Management and Cardiac Disorder / Nature - lover/
I am a Texan residing in the Philippines. I am proudly retired from the US Air Force. I have been married since April 1980, to the same Filipina. My short-term goal in life is to be able to save enough money for a trip to Texas to see my elderly parents and long-term to live at least 100 healthy years.
Foreign Language Teacher since 1995. I was born in 1967. Studies at Puebla-Mex, Lyon-France. Teaching: Mexico, South Corea, USA, HK. Learning everyday on Finance, BTC, Blockchain and Web3.
Чого чекаємо від долі, Про , що ми молимось ві сні, Чого, сьогодні, так не вистачає, Тобі, й мені... Богатства, Почестей, Кохання? Сьогодні вся країна скаже - Н