Will a robot do it better or not?
The other time, I talked about what I do offline, my offline job and how I so much admire it, how I'm able to navigate both online and offline part of my life easily without much stress. To say the fact, I'm able to spend more time on hive due to the fact that teaching isn't taking much time from me and I'm so happy with that, because if I was to be doing a job that takes more of my time maybe I wouldn't be here, but I'm glad and I'll be forever glad that I'm here.
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I'm a teacher by profession, and being a teacher it comes with a lot of responsibilities, dedication and so on.
Even though technology is taking over everything, I still don't think robots can take over my job. Robots are made and programmed by humans to do what they do, though technology has made teaching and learning easier, artificial intelligence is actually helping to some extent, with technology we can now learn from the comfort of our homes or anywhere at all but robots replacing teachers I don't think it's possible, and I have my reasons.
Robots can't do more than the instructions given to them. That is, they can't go a step further than what's already programmed in them.
Robots can't deal with feelings, take for instance you're teaching in a nursery school where you'll have a lot of little children you need to take of, all of them from different backgrounds, atimes some kinds will come to school muddy and some with a character that you can't even define, but as a teacher you just have to find a way to solve it, I don't think a robot will be able to deal with that.
Robots can't fill in the role of taking care of babies, there are cases where you need to act like the mother of those children put in your custody, you play with them, carry them, sing for them, pamper them, take then to the rest room if need be and so on, can a robot do all these? absolutely no. Robots might be able to do some other jobs but not teaching, teaching will always in one way of the other need human intervention and not just some machines that were programmed.
Still in the aspect of taking care of the children, Some kids will definitely be afraid of these robots, Imagine a robot just enter a class, a nursery/primary school to teach almost all the students will run out of the class, some students that are even scared of mere father Christmas how much more a robot, I guess a lot of students won't even dare to attend such class.
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And again what will a robot do when its being asked or needs to do what's not programmed in it, human beings might find their way but a robot will again need the intervention of human to do that which it can't.
Lastly, building or buying a good robot that will be able to do my job perfectly will definitely be very costly, so how can all schools afford robots, even schools that are still battling with growing the number of students.
Anyways if machines like robots could eventually take my job from me, that means educational system has collapsed already, or maybe everyone else has already turned to robots then robots can start teaching robots.
But then if robots could replace me, I won't bother to disturb myself, I'll just stick to hive blockchain, yeah you read that correctly, I'll start blogging full-time, which is something I'm always happy to do.
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I couldn't agree more. The truth is, they are certain things robots can do and they are certains things they can't do better than humans.
Yeah you're right.
Thanks for stopping by 🥰
I totally agree with you on this as a teacher myself, I know teacher comes with loads of dedication and activities, AI only act based on instructions and so lack the empathetic and human traits to help students better.
Nice, thanks for your contribution.