RE: Citizen science on Hive - simulating top quark production at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider

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Hi, this part was a bit more difficult but i succeeded.
You could edit to make it easier:
Task 3:
. to enable Pythia8 press 1 (then enter)
. to enable MadSpin press 4 (then enter)
. when runing run_card.dat: first press esc to be able to use the arrows keys to reach the line 129 we need to modify, then play with the "INSER" and "SUPPR" keys of our keyboard to modify True to False, and type ":qa!" to exit the editor. (that was the hardest part for me and i solved it by doing that, maybe there is an easier way)
I'll make a post in Citizenscience for all steps.
My final result:




Thanks a lot for the suggestion. I have updated the post for what concern Pythia8 and MadSpin. I definitely agree with you and a bullet list is easier to read.

For the editing of the run card, I am less sure (I am at least missing some pieces of information). What to do in practice actually depends on your text editor. In my case it is VIM, so that it is sufficient to type

129 G d d i

and then edit the line. Finally, the file can be saved by typing


Therefore, if you provide some information about your text editor, I will add this more consistently to the post.

In addition, I am very happy to read that you managed to go through everything, and I am looking forward to have a look at your report. By curiosity, how long did it take you? This will allow me to tune the amount of work requested in every post.


PS: I have finally added information on how to do it with VIM.


I think it took me over an hour, but since I fumbled it, that's not the reference time. I don't have time today, but I'll start the task again tomorrow by trying the right editor's commands and watch the time.


Don't worry. There is no need to restart everything. The order of magnitude of the time it took you is enough. In fact, I think that an hour is a reasonable amount of time so that it stays cool and funny without becoming a burden. Please let me know when you report will be released.

