Beautiful mushrooms growing on rotting wood


Hello everyone good evening wherever you are, how are you tonight? Hope you are fine wherever you are.

I'm back here again and on this occasion I want to show you some beautiful shots of mushrooms growing on rotten wood. The fungus only grows on someone there. This fungus grows on wood trunks that have begun to rot, the growth is attached to the wood. I tried to look beneath the surface of the mushroom, wanting to see whether there was a stem or not and it turned out there wasn't one at all. The leaves are directly attached to the wood where they grow.

The shape of this mushroom is very beautiful, it is round and has jagged edges. The size is also large, about the size of an adult's palm. As for the color, the mushroom is cream colored and the edges are starting to turn brown. Maybe the fungus has been growing for a long time and is now entering old age, so the color has started to change. I tried touching the surface of the mushroom, the texture of the flesh was a bit hard. Not too loud either. If it is processed into a delicious dish, it can be chewed.

I didn't pick the mushroom, let him live there, having his parents day. Hopefully he will live a long life there and maybe one day I will go there again to visit him, of course to photograph the next moment. Hopefully on that day the mushroom will live happily with his grandchildren.

Camera usedrealme 7 Pro
LocationAceh, Indonesia
