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Your daily ARCHON / ARCHONM GP drip for STEM based on 0.004145964425933985 GP with 0.00414596 % share
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Your daily ARCHON / ARCHONM GP drip for STEM based on 0.004150604534846938 GP with 0.0041506 % share
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Your daily ARCHON / ARCHONM GP drip for STEM based on 0.0041605719993862925 GP with 0.00416057 % share
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Your daily ARCHON / ARCHONM GP drip for STEM based on 0.004163855627271336 GP with 0.00416386 % share
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Your daily ARCHON / ARCHONM GP drip for STEM based on 0.004169210691684011 GP with 0.00416921 % share
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Your daily ARCHON / ARCHONM GP drip for STEM based on 0.004176087627097563 GP with 0.00417609 % share
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Your daily ARCHON / ARCHONM GP drip for STEM based on 0.004180055613801672 GP with 0.00418006 % share
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Your daily ARCHON / ARCHONM GP drip for STEM based on 0.004186817300431145 GP with 0.00418682 % share
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Your daily ARCHON / ARCHONM GP drip for STEM based on 0.004202476105824488 GP with 0.00420248 % share
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Your daily ARCHON / ARCHONM GP drip for STEM based on 0.0042053611392057315 GP with 0.00420536 % share
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Your daily ARCHON / ARCHONM GP drip for STEM based on 0.004221775182274797 GP with 0.00422178 % share
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Your daily ARCHON / ARCHONM GP drip for STEM based on 0.004227271402798453 GP with 0.00422727 % share
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Your daily ARCHON / ARCHONM GP drip for STEM based on 0.0042305264745137895 GP with 0.00423053 % share
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Your daily ARCHON / ARCHONM GP drip for STEM based on 0.004238075681201554 GP with 0.00423808 % share
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Your daily ARCHON / ARCHONM GP drip for STEM based on 0.004281258069714802 GP with 0.00428126 % share
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Your daily ARCHON / ARCHONM GP drip for STEM based on 0.004289851214166627 GP with 0.00428985 % share
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Your daily ARCHON / ARCHONM GP drip for STEM based on 0.004294049526589988 GP with 0.00429405 % share
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Your daily ARCHON / ARCHONM GP drip for STEM based on 0.004300389386695115 GP with 0.00430039 % share
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Your daily ARCHON / ARCHONM GP drip for STEM based on 0.004301677795563083 GP with 0.00430168 % share
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Your daily ARCHON / ARCHONM GP drip for STEM based on 0.004303743826719374 GP with 0.00430374 % share
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Your daily ARCHON / ARCHONM GP drip for STEM based on 0.00430950747383194 GP with 0.00430951 % share
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Your daily ARCHON / ARCHONM GP drip for STEM based on 0.004324104093724281 GP with 0.0043241 % share