Self-Driving Cars: Let's Go Where The World Is Threading.

Good evening dear brothers and sisters of this planet called #hivelearners. A new month is worth celebrating, as it is a milestone to have crossed over. I am particularly joyous to be here and knowing that you are good too. Hence, I want to use this opportunity to say #HappyNewMonth to you all.

This week, I would be discussing my perspective on owning a self-driven car. Such a car is one driven by automated programming. As such, there no need for a human driver. You know, when I was younger, an older friend who used to cajole us with the recent technological advancement in cars once said that cars will soon begin to sail on the sea and at another time, cars will drive themselves. We thought all that were fables. Today, we can say that his thoughts are now reality.

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Self-driving cars are known as vehicles which use a combination of sensors, cameras, radar and artificial intelligence technology and are referred to as autonomous vehicles. To a lay man, self-driving cars are those cars that drive without human intervention. These kinds of cars have the potential of increasing road safety. One of the most popular brands of such cars in Telsa.

Will I Buy A Self-Driven Car?

My brother, who does not like a good life? I do. So, I won't hesitate to jump at the offer. First, I have read a lot about this technology. Some cars drive themselves. One thing about those cars is that all the road networks in the city where the car will be used are already programmed in the sensor of the car. It helps one to manoeuvre traffic and reach a destination at such an easy time frame. Believe me, it will be fun all together when you have such a car.

The recent road network in Lagos has improved and would welcome such a car. My only fear is traffic which Google Maps will help to solve. This would be just like when the Uber app was launched in Lagos, it became easy to detect parts of Lagos where there is heavy traffic and to avoid them as much as possible.

One big advantage that such a car will bring is that the errors committed by human drivers will be eliminated. Human drivers have committed a lot of blunders and a lot of lives and goods have been lost due to these errors. Errors like overspeeding, drunkenness and sleeping while driving which is part of human nature cannot affect the automated mechanism of a self-driving car.
Another thing is that a self-driven car would help individuals like me who don't know how to drive a car. It will be less stressful since I will just sit while I am driven from one destination to another.
I have also considered that self-driven cars do not run on fuel that causes environmental pollution. Hence, such a car will be environment friendly. I think that's what the world needs at such a time when air pollution has increased diseases.

Erik Mclean

In The Case Of Accident Who Is To Blame?

Well, an accident is an occurrence that is unplanned. When it occurs, the first thing to do before apportion blame is to see who is at fault. But peradventure the car is at fault, we would look at the cause.

The Owner

The owner takes the responsibility for any damage(s) done by the car if it was found out the car could not use all features available to it to avert the accident. In this case, the owner bears all the indemnity.

The Company

Bearing in mind that such cars are sold out under heavy scrutiny and insurance and assurance, the company should take responsibility for accidents involving the self-driving car especially when it is found out that the programming did not play its expected roles.
