Civilization: Merits and Demerits

It's really a great privilege for me to be birthed in this dispensation. I'm really excited to be part of the civilized world cause it's not easy at all when I hear experiences from some oldies whom I have privileges to meet, they shares with me how life were in the olden days, and seeing people that are far behind to acknowledge civilization also baffles me.

I was recently transferred to a rural area from work, then I fully understand what our forefathers had passed through during their time and seeing some oldies living with their ancient mentalities makes me appreciate this civilized era the more.


Most times when you see me with an oldie, I usually love to hear on how they had lived their life. A man shares his experiences on how he used to trek kilometers whenever he wanted to give letters to a post man who will deliver it to his relatives living in the city. "When sending a SMS or even calling is so easy nowadays".

He also shared with me how he used to walk several miles all because he wanted to go to school. He said lots of his mates then were making jest of him so as to discourage him of schooling because he is as old as the teachers in his school as at that time but he made up his mind to learn how to read and write. "Even schooling is now easy nowadays with numerous online classes".

This old man shares lots of experiences with me and I'm marvelled how these oldies manage to survive all these that time. Ordinarily for me not to have cooking gas at home is frustrating let alone seeing some people that hasn't for once in their life use ordinary stove to cook let alone gas.

I must say civilization is a blessing to man kind cause it makes life so easy and better to live. We have almost all we needed at the snap of our fingers without stress once we have money for it.


One thing I'm grateful for about civilization is Technology. The advent of technology has brought about various solutions to man's problem in all sectors of life. Be it Education, Communication, Industries, Healthcare etc, even technology has also made learning a trade now so easy.

Recently in my house we intend to fix a wardrobe in one of our rooms, I was surprised when the furniture guy came with his equipment kits in a small box which resemble makeup box with woods and I didn't see any hammer or nails.

The guy fixed the woods using a screw drill to the wall. The screw drill looks like a small gun like this, no disturbing sound at all. The only sound we heard was just of the screw drill. Technology to me means convenience and it has really become part of our daily lives which can't be neglected at all. Technology has brought us lots of merits to make our lives less stressful, although it has its own demerits too.

It's so sad that Civilization which has brought Technology for our conveniences has also been inconveniencing us with the way people nowadays misuse it. Hardly will you see in a day, eight out of ten people you come across dressing decently or address you appropriately, foul languages had become the order of the day. Evil practices through the medias has fully impacted the youth and has made them lost in the world today all in the name of Civilization.

In conclusion, civilization is a wonderful thing in which the merits are far greater than the demerits. However, what is urgently needed is for parents to strictly monitor their kids on its usage so as for them to use it adequately for their betterment and not for their destruction.

Thanks for reading through.



There is no doubt civilization has some positive impact on our lives. but in the name of moderation, they are making us lazy. For every work, now they are developing robots. if robots are going to work for us. what do we do? can you imagine a city all day at home, with out doing any work? Will it be boring or not?


Lol, that city will be very boring. Thanks for reading through


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 173 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!


Technology has helped us greatly and many of us are enjoying the merits till date.
On the order hand, it has made some people worse in terms forgetting their culture, like respect for elders, good morals etc... These things are hard to find nowadays.


Very hard to fine, our moral values has been neglected all in the name of Civilization to the extent that some people has termed their native language has been local🤣🤣. God should just help us


Civilization although good has it downside.

The aspect of bad dressing, fraudulent activities like you stated are one aspect we all wish could go away.

But then we enjoyed the pros in technology and transportation to ease movement.


You are absolutely right, the pros in technology has really made life better. Thanks for visiting boss
