RE: "Coronavirus Is a Bioweapon" - Says US Bioweapon Lawmaker. + Danish Law Allows Forced Vaccinations!

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actually consider this map from before mid 1950 :D so i guess less deaths occured since the medical system allowed cases to survive more likely and the medical system just improved gradually... but the cases have dropped dramatically


Yes, you can find the data for all infectious diseases going back way before 1900, but you are unlikely to because it is almost never shown. It was at one time on the Swedish government's website, but last time I looked it was impossible to find.
The reason is that the data CLEARLY shows that pretty much all vaccinated diseases were nosediving down to zero before vaccines were invented, due to improved sanitation and general healthcare / nutrition during that period. The less disease pathogens that are in our environment and the better our nutrition, the more effective our own natural immunity is at keeping us clear from disease.

Scarlet fever killed more people than most vaccinated illnesses combined, yet it followed a similar downward trend and moved on to be eradicated. The catch is that there is no vaccine for scarlet fever.


are you sure its mease desease cases and not measle deases deaths? because vaccine only prevent deaths by reducing the number of cases


It is usually claimed that vaccines save lives, but the full data set does not demonstrate that at all. Holistic cellular biology also does not support that claim. How can you be sure a measles vaccine prevents deaths when deaths are already nearly non existent and the trend was continuing downward prior to their adoption?

Look into Scarlet Fever.


about before 1900 they seemed constant for measles

there seems to be a similar trend for scarlet fever?

vaccines also do no cause deaths, and 95% of the people with ONLY 1 mmr shot are immune, hence logically these 95% will not die of measles, which kills 0.2% of people infected and is especially deadly for babies and toddlers. there were people who noticed after the vaccine some alergic response or side effect that can needed to be treated but that was like 1 in 360 000 if i remember correctly... if everyone in the world took the vaccine though now, then the next generation ever would not need to take the vaccine again since then measles would go extinct.


The bottom graph is not labelled - is it for scarlet fever? There is no vaccine for Scarlet fever and yet it was eradicated around the same time as the other diseases.

Vaccines DO cause deaths, this is well known and well documented. Billions of dollars have been paid out in compensation due to vaccine injury and death - even in the face of a situation where vaccines have been given special legal status that prevents their manufacturers from being sued in the normal way. Manufacturers were facing so many cases that they pressured the US gov to change the law or they said they would not be able to continue making/selling vaccines.

What evidence is there that a disease would cease to exist if the whole world were vaccinated for it? Consider that we know for sure that Scarlet fever ceased to exist WITHOUT vaccines.

If people want to VOLUNTARILY be vaccinated, that is up to them. The decision to try to force people to be vaccinated is EXTREMELY EVIL - it is based in fear and a lack of understanding of the nature of life, health and self.

A huge wealth of information and personal tragic stories exists online from the families of victims of vaccine injury, they are not hard to find and they are as heart wrenching as any other story you will see relating to health.

nope scarlet fever vaccine did not exist 1911 and there was between 1924-1945 which was proven to be not effective. treatement against scarlet fever is antibiotics (invented during first world war) and prevented by handwashing and not sharing toothbrushes... i guess the decrease of scarlet fever cases is due to antibiotics not vaccine....

so actually i have now no clue why we even discuss scarlet fever if there is no vaccine?

polio is eradicated from most of the world, and we almost eradicated polio if it werent for the antivaccer taliban. but ye u dont have polio in US anymore for example but in pakistan afghanistan.

last smallpox case was in 1977 thx to vaccine.

deseases that are highly contageous require all to be vacinated in order to eradicate them, why would an individual right to refuse to stop spreading the desease be valued more than the right of a baby to live? in order to reach 95% immunity, for every one person who refuses to vaccinate then 19 other people have to get second mmr vaccine, and there are already some who cant take the vaccine for alergy and health reasons.


you seem to be missing the point here, even though i have spelled it out more than once.
the fact that no vaccine exists for scarlet fever and yet it's decline follows a similar trend to diseases for which vaccines DO exist DOES make sense since all diseases were significantly heading towards zero incidence. This is because of improved sanitation, general healthcare, understanding about biology and other related factors. When people claim that vaccines have eradicated killer diseases they are nearly always denying the fact that the 'eradication' had almost entirely taken place BEFORE the vaccines were invented. They give vaccines credit for health improvements that vaccines were NOT responsible for.

From the paper you linked on Scarlet Fever:

The precipitous decline in many life-threatening infectious diseases during the course of the last century is well described but remains poorly understood. Improved living standards, particularly decreased crowding and improved hygiene and nutrition and, in due course, immunisation and development of effective treatments, are generally assumed to underpin this trend.

Also from the study:

A once common cause of childhood death, the incidence and severity of scarlet fever dropped substantially over the course of the 19th and 20th centuries. The reasons for the decline, predating the advent of effective treatments, remain unexplained.

So they are saying that the reasons that are WELL understood by numerous professional public health experts - sanitation etc. - are only 'assumed' in the first paragraph and then are 'not explained' in the section! Really? That is a clear denial of reality.

It is interesting that cases of Scarlet fever may have increased recently and it warrants investigation - however, it does not mean that the prior nosediving of cases is 'unexplained'.

The claims about eradication of polio are false. The polio cases have simply been reclassified. you can review commentary on this from various medical professionals here.

deseases that are highly contageous require all to be vacinated in order to eradicate them

No, they do not.

why would an individual right to refuse to stop spreading the desease be valued more than the right of a baby to live?

The right to not have your body invaded by another due to their own belief system is a basic right of human existence that is understood and respected by those with empathy, heart and awareness. Many of our laws are based on this understanding and very few people disagree with them. Your confusion appears to be based on a mischaracterisation and misunderstanding of fundamental rights and freedoms of the person. No-one has a 'right to infect people with disease', just as no-one has a 'right to overpower and inject people with a disease in the name of xyz'. Isn't this obvious?

In short, your question is based on a strawman argument.

in order to reach 95% immunity, for every one person who refuses to vaccinate then 19 other people have to get second mmr vaccine, and there are already some who cant take the vaccine for alergy and health reasons.

I suggest you listen to alternative understandings on health and immunity from people who have dedicated their life to constantly keeping up with the latest research or who are even the ones doing it and creating it from lived experience. The mainstream narrative does NOT come from such people.

I will be speaking with the Wim Hof community when I get a chance, since Wim Hof has already forced science textbooks to be rewritten after proving that it is possible to modulate and 'supercharge' the immune system through internal will.

I have already provided you with links from about 50 specialists that would take weeks to review in full.
