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Singularidad Tecnológica
about 9 hours ago
RE: Gemini Robotics: Google's bid to bring AI into the physical world/Gemini Robotics: la apuesta de Google para llevar la IA al mundo físico
AI in robots is cool and all, but the idea of them acting on their own is kinda scary a bit. I know I should be more optimistic than pessimistic but can't help but acknowledge…
1 day ago
RE: Quantum material based on nanographene that allows controlling individual spins/Material cuántico basado en nanografeno que permite controlar espines individuales
Having been in computing so long, you would think that quantum computing would be less of a mystery to me ;). Seeing how fast things are evolving and impacting society on the…
1 day ago
RE: A robot to build structures in space without human intervention/Un robot para construir estructuras en el espacio sin intervención humana
It is getting evident that we are living in the era of robots and technology. I am so sure of that certainly
1 day ago
RE: Quantum material based on nanographene that allows controlling individual spins/Material cuántico basado en nanografeno que permite controlar espines individuales
Individual spins wow I am really shocked and it will really be great to witness more of these coming up actually I must confess
1 day ago
RE: Quantum material based on nanographene that allows controlling individual spins/Material cuántico basado en nanografeno que permite controlar espines individuales
Whenever I see progress with quantum computers I get very happy because I understand how far we can go if we had them. The idea of using nanographene to control individual spins…
3 days ago
RE: A robot to build structures in space without human intervention/Un robot para construir estructuras en el espacio sin intervención humana
I believe this should be the future. We as humans are so limited with space interactions. If we don't get autonomous systems there's very little we can do in terms of building in…
3 days ago
RE: New technology capable of recycling 90% of nuclear waste/Nueva tecnología capaz de reciclar el 90% de los residuos nucleares
This is actually pretty exciting. If they can really recycle 90% of nuclear waste, that’s going to make the world a much better place. Less radioactive junk sitting around is a win for us.
4 days ago
RE: Low-cost way to trap carbon dioxide using common rocks discovered/Descubren una forma de bajo coste para atrapar dióxido de carbono usando rocas comunes
This is really making the future so optimistic I must truly confess. Very Optimistic
4 days ago
RE: Australian company launches world's first 'biological computer'/Empresa australiana lanza el primer "ordenador biológico" del mundo
I think I love this type of new developments and it will be great that we witness more of these types of development actually coming up
5 days ago
RE: Australian company launches world's first 'biological computer'/Empresa australiana lanza el primer "ordenador biológico" del mundo
A computer with human brain cells 👀👀👀 we're are definitely getting closer to sci fi becoming real. I'm thinking 2 decades and certain things in movies will become a reality.…
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