RE: Not Another Voyeur


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Well, my FB feed is full of people who do have something to say and make the effort of writing thoughtful posts. They are there to express themselves, convince somebody of something, share information, etc. There are nice initiatives using the group/event tools, too. They are just doing it in the wrong place since they have not realized there is alternative that would treat them better. It is hilarious but it is crypto projects that get the lack of confidence. Clinging to the schemers we think we know, are we? Thinking we're entitled to our accounts there and complaining about stuff we can opt out of. Just...human.

They would adapt quickly if they knew they would find the same audience elsewhere. Trying to play the algorithms' game and find a larger percentage of it with each post. That is some more effort. And that's the problem of transition to any alt platform. But decentralization of choices leads to decentralization of audience as well. Or the effort to build a new one.


I wonder, is the problem that they are trying to find an audience, rather than find a community? Just thinking about it, they don't actually care who they share to, as long as they are getting attention for it - perhaps that is one of the reasons the content ends up so toxic in so many cases?


I think in our my former FB circles, it is me who left the community. Because it used to be analogue, it used to be about spending time together as a huge group with subgroups. It started because of once-upon-a-time mIRC communities, actually. Transferred to real life, then back to FB and...we started having families, children, we grew old, we grew apart. Perhaps the FB railroads had some part in that. Who knows?

I always claimed it was a tool, a service, an environment, but a rational person should always be the master of the former two and wary of the latter third aspect.
