Mysteries of colossal monuments of antiquity.

Mysteries of colossal monuments of antiquity.


This is one of the mysteries of recent archeology, also one of the mysteries located in Spain, and I am referring to the Mengam dolmen, this dolmen is a world heritage site, it is located in the city of Antequera in Malaga Andalusia, it is part of the dolmen site from Antequera.

The Menga dolmen was at the time the most colossal work built in Europe, it is about 27.5 meters long and its cornerstone weighs about 150 tons. This structure, which is built with enormous blocks, is about 5,800 years old, that is about 500 years older than the oldest part of the famous Stonehenge in the United Kingdom and about 1000 years older than the step pyramid of Zoser, which is considered the first pyramid of Egypt.


And it is news lately because a new study on December 1 in the scientific journal Nature, this dolmen is a world heritage site, here we can see the interior of the dolmen, analyzes the origin of those enormous slabs and it seems that they come from a quarry located a little more of 1 km, this is another piece of the study about this enigmatic place about which we know very little, because unfortunately this dolmen was not discovered in an archaeological excavation, it has been known for several centuries.

Consequently, from the above the dolmen is very clean, very clean of clues to be able to understand its meaning because it is a very strange dolmen not only is it very colossal for the time, but it has characteristics that make it very curious, for example , this dolmen has a very abnormal orientation, the vast majority of dolmens and there are about 2000 in southern Europe, are oriented along the cardinal axes, whether north south, west west, but not this one, this one has a northwest orientation.


The Menga dolmen is looking right at the mountain above, this is important, it is called the rock of lovers, this mystery also requires the collective intelligence of what you can see in this rock, because this mountain is what you see from the entrance of the dolmen is what the ancients saw 5800 years ago, they did it with a lot of effort dragging them, there is also a slight inclination of the terrain and it is what is mentioned in the study that also helped to be able to carry those enormous stone slabs that They were quite well worked.

What many people see in this Rock is the face of a human, in fact, if we turn it around, we put it in the posture of a lying dead person, perhaps the ancients were seeing the face of an Ancient God and that is why they focused on the dolmen. , dolmens in general are related to burials and death worship, all those kinds of things and this one in particular is oriented specifically towards this Rock with this shape of a human face.

We could ask ourselves if that enormous rock has been worked, or if erosion has carved it into that peculiar shape, and what the ancient settlers appreciated just as we do now.

Study Source

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