// English:
Systems Engineer
Blockchain developer
Co-Funder de Podit
Web developer
Co-Funder de NeuralDevs
Programming teacher
Web3 entrepeneur
Ing. de sistemas (UNI)- PERÚ
Emprendedor y programador web3
Programador de videojuegos
Python, R, C, C++, rust, solidity
Profesor de programación
Amo mi casa maestra psicopedagoga vendedora reparadora acuariana madre de tres. Y que la vida los trate amablemente a todos.that life treats them kindly to all
Industrial Engineer. MSc Entrepreneurship and innovation student at The University of Edinburgh.
Passionate about startups and volunteering. Artist and podcaster.
SPANISH: Somos una comunidad de educación web3, y hacemos talleres y workshops de Hive y otros protocolos
ENGLISH: We are a web3 education community, and we do Hive workshops and workshops and other protocols