RE: The Real Climate Emergency


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The geological record indicates that the climate changes.

The current debate is absurd. The left argues that because the climate changes, we must adopt socialism to save the climate.

The right counters with the absurd claim that the climate does not change.

I think that the better approach is to accept that climate changes. We can now ask: Which economic system is better at adopting to change: A top heavy socialist order or a free society?

People in a socialist are restricted in their actions. People in a free society can change what they are doing to accomodate the change.


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"The right counters with the absurd claim that the climate does not change."

I have not seen even one example of this. What I have seen are various claims that 1) humanity isn't causing climate change, 2) that humanity may be causing miniscule contributions to climate change, 3) that climate changes naturally, 4) that the claims of climate change aren't factually correct, and 5) that paying money won't appease climate, and variations on these themes.

"Which economic system is better at adopting to change: A top heavy socialist order or a free society?"

Indeed, a much better question, but only one of many that are relevant to the propaganda, theft of money from civilians already under economic stress that in no way contributes to improving climate, pseudoscience and incessant stream of fraudulent papers, research, and media reports that have been inflicted on the public, and more.



I heard a radio show where someone called to try to go on the logic that the climate is changing and the dispute is where Man is causing it. The host said, "No, it's not". I was frustrated to hear that. But, did it change from yesterday to today? How much of a time period do you need to change from calling it "weather" to "climate"? Then expand the time period enough and it really does look like climate is not really changing enough to mention right now.


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