RE: Why Are Fables and Legends so Fascinating to Us?

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Ah yes! Definitely a distant relative of the Flying Spaghetti Monster! We actually live right in its natural habitat zone...

I personally like myths because they seem more about teaching points than anything else. When the conspiracy theorists take over, we end up with a strange FUD brew and suddenly there are aliens living inside Mt. Shasta.

I expect much has roots in attempts to explain the unexplainable. To a Neolithic person, thunder and lightning didn't make sense and could not be explained... but "the Gods are angry!" puts a somewhat "known" face on something as of yet unknowable.

Flat Earthers do seem to be a species all of their own... elements of QAnon there, which in turn has often struck me as a sort of LARP gone mad...

All interesting stuff, though!
