RE: Why Are Fables and Legends so Fascinating to Us?

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You are also in the prime habitat for the Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus. Treat them with all due respect should you find one. They are quite the endangered species.šŸ˜€

I think there is some overlap between mythology and conspiracy theory in that both seek to explain the unexplained, but myths seem to be more about entertainment than fear. That said, a lot of fairy tales are a lot scarier than Disney versions might suggest.

I like stories about cryptids and hollow earth, but put little stock in them. I find myself irritated by flat earth proponents though, because they take their ideas way too seriously, and outright ignore or mock any evidence or counterarguments brought against their assettions instead of showing any intellectual rigor.


Ah yes! Definitely a distant relative of the Flying Spaghetti Monster! We actually live right in its natural habitat zone...

I personally like myths because they seem more about teaching points than anything else. When the conspiracy theorists take over, we end up with a strange FUD brew and suddenly there are aliens living inside Mt. Shasta.

I expect much has roots in attempts to explain the unexplainable. To a Neolithic person, thunder and lightning didn't make sense and could not be explained... but "the Gods are angry!" puts a somewhat "known" face on something as of yet unknowable.

Flat Earthers do seem to be a species all of their own... elements of QAnon there, which in turn has often struck me as a sort of LARP gone mad...

All interesting stuff, though!
