RE: Is This Really Happening Again???

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Unfortunately it is a sad story that strikes every country in the so-called "third world". We could raise our voices, but backed by a large social movement, "one stick does not make a mountain".

The structural changes needed to achieve real social transformations should come from the powers that control the world in general. However, that seems like a lot to ask. Adapt and try to minimize the impacts is all we have left to do.

Thank you very much dear @bruno-kema for sharing your experiences!

Receive my warmest regards and my sincere wish that these Christmas times may be, somehow, filled with some portion of tranquility¡



Indeed, it seems too much to ask, if not why is it so hard to get? I really don't know the plans people in power have for us. I don't think they even know the plans they themselves have!

Thank you!! 😊
