Is This Really Happening Again???

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It seems that no matter how bad things get, people are always quick to adapt and forget how things used to be. And the moment they try to enjoy the moment, despite how bad it is, the government gets in the way and ruins it for everyone.

After a while, it begins to look like all this is a set-up. Because there’ll be a system that works well for everyone. It might not be the best, it might not even be good at the very least. But people have gotten used to it, people have adapted and been able to learn to live with it. So, it’s no longer as bad as it should have been. That’s when things change for us, and the next thing we know, we’re forced into yet another rabbit hole.


This seems to be what we go through in Nigeria. We’re always in one quagmire or the other and it’s becoming tiring. We never really escape situations here, we only adapt and get used to it. This is because that’s the only way we can survive and that seems to be the only thing we know. Adapting!

The beginning of the year was rocked with cash scarcity due to the naira redesign and election fever, after the election, everything died down. We believed the scarcity was a thing of the past, and we wouldn’t have to go through it anymore because many people suffered as a result of that scarcity.


Sick people couldn’t get treated, people starved and businesses crumbled all because there was no cash. But then, this forced a lot of people to become more digitized. Many people, especially the elderly, were forced to embrace the wonders of mobile transfers; both the mobile banking apps and the USSD codes. Many people tried to enforce the only cash policy, but eventually, they had to succumb to pressure because their policy was affecting their sales. And soon, everyone was making transfers.

This came with a downside though, some unscrupulous traders began placing charges on the transfers they accepted. When you bought something and transferred, they’d add an extra #50 or #100 for “charges”. This was extremely annoying because it made no sense. And even more frustrating was the fact that you had no choice but to comply because everyone was doing it, so there was no other option.


But still, even with all this, we managed to adapt. We went digital and life went on. Even after the scarcity was over and went into flow once more, life went on. Even with the rocky rides the economy has been taking us on, life has been going on. And with the constant slump of the naira against the dollar, life keeps going on. We adapt to every change and go with every flow.

And now, it seems the demons of the past are back to haunt us. Cash scarcity is slowly creeping in once more, and if care is not taken, it’ll become more pronounced. I don’t even know why cash has to be scarce, especially during this period when people will need a lot of it for their holiday doings. This is the worst time to have a cash crisis.


Soon, the price of withdrawing cash at the POS stands will increase again, these greedy traders will once again begin their practice of charging for every transfer. And seeing as this is the holiday season, they’ll milk this scarcity for everything it’s worth.

I really don’t know what’s going on at CBN. I don’t know if this is a tactical move to achieve a desired end, or if it’s just a consequence of a decision made by top brass. Whatever it is, it seems that yet again, the masses are taking the full brunt of it. We’re the ones who suffered during the initial cash crunch, and we’d be the ones to suffer again if it gets worse.


But then, will anything be different this time around? Are we just going to adapt to the situation all over again? Do we even have a choice? Adaptation seems to be survival, and if one must survive, then he must learn to adapt. But then, maybe it’s not a good thing to be so adaptable, maybe it’s a curse. Because if we didn’t do it so well, things wouldn’t have gotten so bad.

Anyway, what do I know about banks and politics? I’m just a soon-to-be-published thriller author, all I know is how these things affect me and I come on here to say it. And while we all do our best to survive, let’s cling to the hope that things will get better.


Thank you for reading. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below, I would love to know what you’re thinking. Till we meet in the next post.

Don't forget!!! I'll be publishing an excerpt of my upcoming novel and revealing the cover of my book later today on my blog. You'll find it pinned!😊

N.B: All images used are mine. The thumbnail was designed using Canva.

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The POS withdrawal fees are already up and doubled here in Lagos @bruno-kema. This is not right at all but who should we hold responsible. The government, CBN or the Banks.

Its so sad how things has continued to go wrong in the country without having any one to hold for accountability

The masses are tired, trying to help themselves out in anyway they could because its very obvious that the government does not care.

Greetings and compliments 🎄


That's the problem, so much is going wrong, but no one is taking responsibility. And it's just sad.
Thank you for reading, and compliments of the season to you too!!


General people suffer at the end. I think government doesn't left and scope to make people panic and force them to suffer the loss and in between some people make money. I believe that because of corruption governments are doing the opposite thing what they need to do. 😮‍💨


They all know what they're doing. We're just puppets in their games, and they don't care how these things affect us.


I just hope this present cash scarcity is not as worse as the one we faced earlier
Omo it will be bad
Well, I’m lucky for not being affected by the first one but we don’t know how this second one will be😅


Hah... rich kid! If that first one didn't affect you, then this one stands no chance na!😊
Please ma, show me the way...😋


My bro, it's really unfair Sha but one thing I know is that we would survive it, that's Nigerians for you
Wow a novel, that's good oh, Hod knows how he created everybody, someone like me I can't write novels but I can write scripts.
That's great to hear


Yeah, we'll always survive it.
You write scripts? That's beautiful.
What scripts do you write?


Mainly short skits and movies but movies would take time


One thing I will say have noticed among humans is we have this attribute of adaptation and so we always follow things as it comes


Yeah... that seems to be the problem as well.


Unfortunately it is a sad story that strikes every country in the so-called "third world". We could raise our voices, but backed by a large social movement, "one stick does not make a mountain".

The structural changes needed to achieve real social transformations should come from the powers that control the world in general. However, that seems like a lot to ask. Adapt and try to minimize the impacts is all we have left to do.

Thank you very much dear @bruno-kema for sharing your experiences!

Receive my warmest regards and my sincere wish that these Christmas times may be, somehow, filled with some portion of tranquility¡


Indeed, it seems too much to ask, if not why is it so hard to get? I really don't know the plans people in power have for us. I don't think they even know the plans they themselves have!

Thank you!! 😊


We all know that time has changed and after some time we will see all things going digital but those who are of old age still don't believe this and they talk here. It is said that a person should have cash in his hand, even then a person will be able to live a good life.
