Trail to the village of Cabanas🚩🌎 / Sendero a la villa de Cabanas🌻🚙 (En-Es)

Good morning adventurous friends, today I bring you a new experience, for this post I moved about 18km south from the important city of Seixal until reaching the protected area of ​​the mountain range of "Louro", here we find a series of natural trails that are around 10 to 20km long and which take us to visit some of the most important areas of tourist interest on the southern margin, I made a tour intending to visit some artificial caves from more than 4 thousand years before Christ and the beautiful village of Cabana, on the way we will enjoy the landscapes of the mountains, without further ado, enjoy my post!🌎🚩

Buenos dias amigos aventureros, hoy les traigo una nueva experiencia, para este post me traslade unos 18km hacia el sur desde la importante ciudad de Seixal hasta llegar al area protegida de la sierra montanosa do "louro", aqui encontramos una serie de senderos naturales que rondan los 10 a 20km de extension y los cuales nos llevan a visitar algunas de las mas importante zonas de interes turisticos del margen sul, yo hice un recorrido pretendiendo visitar unas cuevas artificiales de hace mas de 4mil anos antes de cristo y la hermosa aldea de cabana, en el trayecto vamos a disfrutar de los paisajes de las montanas, sin mas que anadir disfruta de mi post!⛰️🏰🚙


A natural experience🏰⛰️ /Una experiencia natural🌎🚩

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To do this trail we need to go through one that I made which is the "road of the mills", after 2km we will have a detour and that is where the real "cabanas" route begins, it has an extension of more than 15km, first we will visit the village "quinta do anjo" which for me is the most interesting part of the walk because we will see some artificial caves that are more than 4 thousand years before Christ, then we will continue through the mountains and enjoy the best landscapes of Setubal along with several slopes and valleys cultivated with the best wine in Portugal.⛰️🌻
Para hacer este sendero necesitamos pasar por uno que hice que es el "camino de los molinos", pasado 2km tendremos un desvio y alli es donde comienza la verdadera ruta "cabanas", tiene una extension de mas de 15km, primero visitaremos la aldea "quinta do anjo" que para mi es lo mas interesante de la caminata porque veremos unas cuevas artificiales que tienen mas de 4mil anos antes de Cristo, luego continuaremos por la montana y disfrutaremos de los mejores paisajes de Setubal junto con varias laderas y valles cultivados con el mejor vino de Portugal.🚙




As we walk along the first few metres we are in the village of "Sao Braz", quite old, possibly from the 17th century, however the Romans had already inhabited the area before Christ. I am struck by the fact that many of the villas have quite elaborate and large tiles. By the way, did you know that they are handmade? The tiles in that house easily cost 2,000 euros. Another interesting thing is "Quinta do Piloto", that large white building that you see in the photo, is one of the most important wineries in the country, it has the best wines in the south of Portugal. So far, an interesting walk.🏰🚩🌎
Mientras avanzamos los primeros metros estamos en la aldea de "sao braz" bastante antigua posiblemente del siglo XVII, sin embargo ya los Romanos habitaban la zona desde antes de Cristo, me llama la atencion muchas de las quintas tienen azulejos bastantes elaborados y grandes, por cierto sabias que son realizados a mano? ese azulejo de esa casa facilmente cuesta 2mil euros, otra cosa interesante es "quinta do piloto" ese edificio grande blanco que ves en la foto es uno de los vineros mas importante del pais tiene los mejores vinos del sur de Portugal, hasta ahora una interesante caminata.🚵🏻‍♀️🌷



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Parish of Qta do Anjo🏰⛰️ /Freguesia Qta do Anjo🌎🚩




detour to the ruins⛲🚩

This whole area is new to me, I have never been to these villages, so I have no experience, but you won't get lost, the path is very easy. To get to the artificial caves we have to make this one kilometer detour along this dirt road, on both sides we only see many hectares of land used for planting and raising animals, this area is the opposite of Lisbon, quite relaxed and beautiful.🧭📸

Toda esta zona es nueva para mi nunca habia estado por estas aldeas, por tanto no tengo experiencia sin embargo no te vas a perder el camino es muy facil, para llegar a las cuevas artificiales debemos hacer este desvio de un kilometro por este camino de tierra, de lado y lado solo vemos muchas hectareas de tierra usada para la siembra y la cria de animales, esta zona es lo contrario de lisboa bastante relajada y hermosa.🚩⛲

Artificial caves🏰⛰️ /Cuevas artificiales🌎🚩


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And finally we have arrived, from the beginning of the path to the ruins it is 2.6km, approximately forty minutes round trip, this secret place is called: "necropolis of Casal do Pardo", they were built between 3300 and 2200 AD, incredibly I had the impression that they were places for people to sleep but in reality it was a space where the dead from neighboring communities in the area were deposited, crazy right?🌎🏰🧑🏻‍🎓
Y por fin hemos llegado, desde el inico del sendero hasta las ruinas son 2.6km unos cuarenta minutos aproximadamente ida y vuelta, este lugar secreto se llama: "necropolis de casal do pardo", fueron construidas entre el 3300 y 2200 de nuestra era, increiblemente tenia la impresion que eran lugares para las personas dormir pero en realidad fue un espacio donde se depositaron los muertos de comunidades vecinas de la zona que locura no? 🚙🌻

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According to archaeologists, the caves that were made by human hand and are not of natural origin, which is why they are classified as artificial, were used until 2000 BC as a burial place, the type of limestone rock allowed this feat, which is why stone tools were used to build the caves, the caves are made up of (entrance, pre-chamber and chamber), why do the caves have two entrances? In reality, the main entrance is where the dead people were deposited and the second hole above was to throw them through when the main chamber was blocked.🌎🏰
Segun los arqueologos las cuevas que se hicieron por mano humana y no son de origen natural por eso son catalogadas como artificiales se utilizaron hasta el 2000 antes de cristo como lugar de entierro, el tipo de roca calcarea permitio esta hazana la cual para construir las cuevas se usaron unas herramientas de piedra, las cuevas se constituyen en (entrada, pre-camara y camara), porque tienen dos entradas las cuevas? en realidad la entrada principal es por donde se depositaban las personas muertas y el segundo agujero arriba era para lanzarlos por alli cuando la camara principal estaba obstaculizada.🚩🌎

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All the skeletal remains found in the caves were of different sexes, ages, and different social statuses, that is, there was no social distinction. During the excavations, various types of funerary artifacts were collected, such as jars, cups, made of metal, wood, and some decorative objects that accompanied the bodies.🌻🚙
Todos los restos de esqueletos que se encontraron en las cuevas eran de diferentes sexos, edades, y estatus sociales diferentes, osea no habia una distincion social, en las excavaciones se recolectaron varios tipos de artefactos funebres como jarras, basos, de metal, madera, algunos objetos decorativos que acompanaban a los cuerpos.🧑🏻‍🎓🚵🏻‍♀️🌷


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The walk continues🏰⛰️ /Continua la caminata🌎🚩

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At this time of summer it is difficult to do these trails, literally once a year there is a fire and well they end up damaging the landscape or being quite dangerous, if you read that there is a risk of fire in the area please do not do these hikes, notice how the landscape has many burnt bushes, without a doubt the best time of year is spring.🧑🏻‍🎓🚙🌻
A esta epoca del verano es complicado hacer estos senderos literalmente una vez por ano hay algun incendio y bueno acaban por danar el paisaje o ser bastante peligrosos, si lees que hay riesgo de incendio en la zona por favor no hagas estas caminatas, observa como el paisaje tiene muchos arbustos quemados sin duda la mejor altura del ano es primavera.🌎




detour to the ruins⛲🚩

This whole area is new to me, I have never been to these villages, so I have no experience, but you won't get lost, the path is very easy. To get to the artificial caves we have to make this one kilometer detour along this dirt road, on both sides we only see many hectares of land used for planting and raising animals, this area is the opposite of Lisbon, quite relaxed and beautiful.🧭📸

Toda esta zona es nueva para mi nunca habia estado por estas aldeas, por tanto no tengo experiencia sin embargo no te vas a perder el camino es muy facil, para llegar a las cuevas artificiales debemos hacer este desvio de un kilometro por este camino de tierra, de lado y lado solo vemos muchas hectareas de tierra usada para la siembra y la cria de animales, esta zona es lo contrario de lisboa bastante relajada y hermosa.🚩⛲





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So far I have enjoyed the experience very much, walking among the hills of Setubal is a very welcoming experience, learning about things in the region makes the walk not boring, I can't complain today there was fog the weather was quite pleasant in those conditions we got tired less, as I read that all these mountains are millions of years old, due to the porosity of the stone many natural caves were made that are supposed to have been inhabited in prehistoric times.🏰🚩
Hasta ahora e disfrutado mucho la experiencia, caminar entre las colinas de Setubal es una experiencia bastante acogedora, aprender sobre cosas de la region hace la caminata que no sea aburrida, no me puedo quejar hoy habia neblina el clima estaba bastante agradable en esas condiciones nos cansamos menos, como dato lei que todas estas montanas tienen millones de anos, por la porocidad de la piedra se hicieron muchas cuevas naturales que se supone fueron habitadas en la prehistoria.🚙🧑🏻‍🎓

Road to Cabanas🏰⛰️ /Camino hacia Cabanas🌎🚩




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Now the landscape changes and we begin to see more typical trees and bushes of the typical Mediterranean landscape, we have to go down the mountain, in theory the path will take us to the Cabanas village.🌎🌻

Ahora el paisaje cambia y comenzamos a ver arboles mas tipicos y arbustos del tipico paisaje mediterranico, tenemos que bajar la montana, en teoria el camino nos llevara a la aldea cabanas.🚵🏻‍♀️⛰️






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Arrival at the village🏰⛰️ /Camino hacia Cabanas🌎🚩

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Well friends, our tour ends in this magical and ancient village. In total we walked for more than 4 hours and completed 15km of adventures and learning. Today the Cabanas trail taught us much more about the ancient culture of the Mediterranean. The village is complete and you can find everything, interesting for a family weekend, and if you are interested in hiking, you have several trails.🌎🚙
Bueno amigos en esta magica y antigua aldea culmina nuestro recorrido, en total caminamos mas de 4 horas y completamos 15km de aventuras y aprendizajes, hoy el sendero de Cabanas nos enseno mucho mas sobre la cultura antigua del mediterraneo, la aldea es completa y consigues de todo, interesante para un fin de semana en familia, y si te interesa las caminatas tienes varios senderos.🌷🏰🚩


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Oh my goodness. Your whole collection is just fabulous. The main picture I mostly liked was of a horse. And the caves. Happy journey my bro.


Portugal has a lot of hidden history! I hope you enjoyed the experience


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