I visit a fortress🏺📸 / Visito una fortaleza💡👨🏻‍🏫 (En-Es)

Imagine visiting a place where several civilizations lived in different eras of history, in addition to this, finding various objects that allow you to know and understand each culture, history and lifestyle, an open space to which we all have access and even touch a stone that is more than 3000 years old! You probably don't know any of them... But I bring you a post dedicated to a historic fortress in the municipality of Palmela, I came here with the intention of learning more about European culture and being able to share that knowledge with you. So make yourself comfortable and enjoy "Castro de Chibanes".📸🏺🌎

Imagina visitar un lugar donde habitaron varias civilizaciones en diferentes eras de la historia, sumado a esto conseguir varios objetos que permite conocer y comprender cada cultura, historia y estilo de vida, un espacio abierto al que todos tenemos acceso e inclusive tocar una piedra de mas de 3000 anos! probablemente no conoces alguno... Pero yo te traigo un post dedicado a una fortaleza historica en el municipio de Palmela, vine aqui con la intencion de aprender mas sobre la cultura europea y poder compartir ese conocimiento contigo. Por eso ponte comodo y disfruta de "Castro de Chibanes".🧭🚩🗺️

How to get to the historical ruins🧭🚩 /Como llegar a las ruinas historicas🌎🗺️

First of all I leave you the coordinates of the place (38 ° 33′ 50 "N, 8 ° 55′ 06" W), to get to "Castro de Chibanes" you can only do one way and that is walking the path that is in the center of Palmela below the castle, you can see red and white signs that will indicate the way to follow to pass by the archaeological fortress, it is a somewhat demanding tourism because we cannot get to the place by car, in my opinion if you take the trail that I mentioned you can take advantage of enjoying the landscape and at the same time make the stop here to photograph the ruins.🧭🌎🏺
Primero que nada te dejo las coordenadas del lugar (38° 33′ 50″ N, 8° 55′ 06″ O), para llegar a "Castro de Chibanes" solo se puede hacer es de una forma y es caminando el sendero que esta en el centro de Palmela abajo del castillo, puedes ver una senalizacion de color roja y blanca ella te ira indicando el camino a seguir para pasar por la fortaleza arqueologica, es un turismo medio exigente porque no podemos llegar en carro al lugar, en mi opinion si haces el sendero que te mencione puedes aprovechar en disfrutar del paisaje y al mismo tiempo hacer la parada aqui para fotografiar las ruinas.👨🏻‍🏫💡

Different eras and civilizations🧭🚩 /Diferentes epocas y civilizaciones🌎🗺️

First of all, what does "Castro de Chibanes" mean? It is nothing more than a prehistoric fortress that was inhabited in protohistory. The first occupation and the people who built the fortress were probably the Phoenicians in the third century BC, that is, in the Chalcolithic, which would be the equivalent of the Bronze Age. It is worth noting that it is believed that some people already lived here in 5000 BC. Incredibly, it is one of the oldest places I have ever visited in Portugal.🌎🧭
Primeramente que significa "Castro de Chibanes"? no es mas que una fortaleza prehistorica y que a su vez fue habitada en la protohistoria. La primera ocupacion y quien construyo la fortaleza probablemente fueron los fenicios en el tercer siglo antes de cristo osea en el calcolitico que sera el equivalente a la era de bronce, cabe resaltar que se cree que ya vivian algunas personas aqui en el 5000 antes de Cristo, increiblemente es uno de los lugares mas antiguos que ya visite en Portugal.🗺️🏺


Later we move on to the Late Chalcolithic, which is equivalent to the Early Bronze Age, where a civilization with a style (bell-shaped) typical of Portuguese Extremadura was formed and which later spread to some European countries. Its characterization was the creation of clay jars with a rather ornate and colorful style, possibly between the 2000 and 1000 centuries BC.🗺️📸
Posteriormente pasamos al Calcolitico tardio, que equivale a la era de bronce temprana, aqui se forma una civilizacion con estilo (campaniforme) propias de la extremadura Portuguesa y que luego se expande por algunos paises de Europa, su caracterizacion fue crear jarras de barro con un estilo bastante ornamentado y colorido, esto posiblemente entre los siglos 2000 y 1000 antes de cristo.🌳⛲


Unoccupied phase🧭🚩 /Fase no ocupada🌎🗺️

room-shaped structures📸

Although the citadel and fortress was occupied for thousands of years, there came a phase where historical records and carbon dating show that there was no occupation for a period of 1700 years. There is no explanation as to why, but it could have been due to nomadic behavior of other peoples, lack of resources, or the populations settled further towards the Tejo River.🧭📸

Apesar de que la ciudadela y fortaleza fue ocupada por miles de anos llego una fase donde los registros historicos y la prueba de carbono catorce muestra que no hubo una ocupacion en un periodo de 1700 anos, no existe una explicacion del porque pero se pudo deber a algun comportamiento nomada de otros pueblos, faltas de recursos o las poblaciones se asentaron mas hacia el rio tejo. 🚩⛲


Iron Age🧭🚩 /Era del hierro🌎🗺️

When we enter the era where humans begin to produce tools and weapons using iron as raw material at that point in history "Castro de Chibanes" is used as a fortress to protect the eastern side where people lived, that is, at this stage the entire area had already been extended, approximately in 2000 to 1000 BC buildings and tools were found in the fortress so it was occupied after 1700 years.🗺️🏺
Cuando entramos a la era donde el ser humano comienza a producir herramientas y armas usando el hierro como materia prima en ese punto de la historia "Castro de Chibanes" se usa como una fortaleza para proteger el lado oriente donde habitaban las personas osea en esta fase ya se habia extendido todo el area, aproximadamente en el 2000 a 1000 antes de cristo se consiguieron construcciones y herramientas en la fortaleza por tanto fue ocupada luego de 1700 anos.🧭🌎


Roman Periods🧭🚩 /Periodos Romanos🌎🗺️


As you can see the city expanded from the 2nd-1st centuries BC by the Romans and they continued using the area probably almost until the 1st century AD, later it was abandoned by the Romans and was never occupied by the Moors or any other civilization, many Roman artifacts such as lamps, weapons of war and decorative objects were extracted from this area, this indicates that it was quite active in the Romanesque era, remember that the Romans were in Portugal until almost the 5th century AD.🏺🧭💡
Como puedes ver la ciudad se expande a partir de los siglos II-I antes de Cristo por los Romanos y continuaron usando la zona probablemente casi al siglo I despues de Cristo, posteriormente fue abandonada por los Romanos y nunca fue ocupada por los Moros o cualquier otra civilizacion, se extrajo de esta zona muchos artefactos Romanos como lamparas, armas de guerra y objetos decorativos esto indica que fue bastante activo en la era romanica recordemos que los Romanos estuvieron en Portugal hasta casi el siglo V despues de Cristo.🚵🏻‍♀️🗺️⛲

Studying "Castro de Chibanes" is learning about the commercial relations of various cultures throughout the occupations of different civilizations and how these civilizations in turn traded with northern Europe and even throughout the Mediterranean, for example the Romans were known for bringing resources from Portugal to Spain.📸👨🏻‍🏫
Estudiar "Castro de Chibanes" es aprender como eran las relaciones comerciales de varias culturas a lo largo de las ocupaciones de diferentes civilizaciones y como a su vez esas civilizaciones comercializaban con el norte de europa e inclusive por todo el mediterranico, por ejemplo los romanos eran conocidos por llevar recursos de Portugal a Espana.🚵🏻‍♀️🚩


Resources in the "Serra do Louro"🧭🚩 /Recursos en la sierra "do louro"🌎🗺️

Why did civilizations inhabit this area? It is a great question because there were also places rich in resources around to be occupied by some population, however, having settled in the Serra do Louro first of all it is one of the highest points of Palmela which allowed a view of the whole mountain range and at the same time we must remember that it was also a fortress, so it was important to spot the enemy before they spotted you... And this was thanks to a construction more than 400 meters high, then we have the Atlantic behind the mountain range and in front the Tejo river which is in the photo that I published in the distance you can see the river less than 20km away and the ocean less than 10km away. Therefore the Serra do Louro was important for many civilizations.📸⛲
Por que las civilizaciones habitaron esta zona? es una gran pregunta porque alrededor tambien habian lugares ricos en recursos para ser ocupados por alguna poblacion, sin embargo haberse establecido en la sierra "do louro" primeramente es uno de los puntos mas altos de Palmela lo que permitia una vista hacia toda la sierra y al mismo tiempo recordemos que era tambien una fortaleza, asi que era importante avistar el enemigo antes que el a ti... Y esto fue gracias a una construccion a mas de 400 metros de altura, luego tenemos detras de la sierra el atlantico y al frente el rio tejo que es en la foto que publique a lo lejos se observa el rio menos de 20km y el oceano a menos de 10km. Por tanto la sierra "do louro" fue importante para muchas civilizaciones.🗺️🧭

Other data left to us by Castro de Chibanes🧭🚩 /Otros datos que nos deja Castro de Chibanes🌎🗺️

It is believed that the caves around the citadel and fortress were also used by some other civilizations, including those from prehistory that had the custom of burying their loved ones in caves. The Romans possibly cremated their dead in Portugal. It was only in the 6th century that evidence of burials without using cremation was found! I personally was not able to access a cave because it seemed quite dangerous to me.⛲📸
Se cree que las cuevas que estan alrededor de la ciudadela y fortaleza tambien fueron utilizadas por algunas civilizaciones mas aquellas de la prehistoria que tenian la costumbre de enterrar sus seres queridos en cuevas, los romanos posiblemente cremaban a sus muertos en portugal apenas en el siglo VI se consiguieron evidencias de entierros sin utilizar la cremacion! yo personalmente no consegui acceder a una cueva porque me parecio bastante peligroso.🚵🏻‍♀️🚩

How many years of history in one photo...🧭🚩 /Cuantos anos de historia en una foto...🌎🗺️

In the background of this photo is the beautiful castle of Palmela. After the Romans disappeared from Portugal, the Moors took over the country until the 11th century. Later, a king decided to conquer lands to expand Portugal. That castle there was built by the Arabs in the 11th century and conquered by the Portuguese in the 12th century. I am looking at ruins that are more than five thousand years old... How much history my country has.📸🏰

Al fondo de esta foto esta el hermoso castillo de Palmela luego de los Romanos desaparecer de Portugal quienes se aduenan del pais son los Moros hasta el siglo XI posteriormente un Rey decidio conquistar tierras para expandir Portugal y ese castillo de alli fue construido por los arabes en el siglo XI y conquistado por los Portugueses en el siglo XII sumando que estoy en las ruinas de mas de cinco mil anos... Cuanta historia tiene mi pais.👨🏻‍🏫🏺


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Many roman ruins in europe! They are pretty !


Impressive to me that even the organized stones are still around after that many centuries.



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