Castle, History and More...🌎🚩🏰 (En-Es)

Greetings, a new adventure to the north of Lisbon arrives. Today we visit two interesting sites which tell us a small part of the history of Portuguese culture. First, we will enter the museum of "Casal do Saloio" here we will learn about how the houses were, the customs of the population of Cascais between the 16th and 17th centuries, we will be able to photograph a repertoire of old everyday objects that people used. Later, we will travel a few kilometers further north to visit the Alenquer Castle... Without further ado, enjoy my post.πŸš©πŸŒŽβ›°οΈ

Saludos llega una nueva aventura hacia el norte de Lisboa, hoy visite dos sitios interesantes los cuales nos cuentan una pequena parte de la historia de la cultura Portuguesa, primeramente entraremos en el museo de "Casal do Saloio" aqui aprenderemos de como eran las casas, constumbres de la poblacion de Cascais entre los siglos XVI y XVII, vamos a poder fotografiar un repertorio de objetos antiguos cotidianos que usaron las personas. Posteriormente viajaremos unos kilometros mas al norte para visitar el Castillo de Alenquer... Sin mas que agregar disfruta mi post.πŸ§­β›²

Interpretive museum "Casal do Saloio"πŸ“ΈπŸ›οΈ /Museo interpretativo "Casal do Saloio"🌎🚩

This was my first stop to visit the museum which was inaugurated in 2023, it was a reconstruction in an old house from the 16th century, all the information collected for many years about the population of Cascais was taken to then exhibit the important aspects of how the technological and cultural advancement was from the past centuries to the present, the museum is free, it has parking nearby! Be careful with the operating hours, I think it closes at 1pmβ›°οΈπŸŒŽπŸš©
Esta fue mi primera parada visitar el museo el cual fue inaugurado en el 2023, fue una reconstruccion en una casa antigua del siglo XVI, se tomo toda la informacion recolectada por muchos anos sobre la poblacion de Cascais para luego exhibir los aspectos importantes sobre como fue el avance tecnologico y cultural de los siglos pasados hasta la actualidad, el museo es gratis, tiene estacionamiento a los alrededores! cuidado es con el horario de funcionamiento cierra creo que a la 1pm🏰🧭

This area is the courtyard. All houses in the 16th century had an area which allowed them to carry out various types of activities. At that time, many people lived from agriculture and raising domestic animals. Here we see vestiges of the original courtyard and it is believed that chickens were raised in this area.πŸŒŽπŸš©πŸ€“
Esta zona es el patio, todas las casas en el siglo XVI contaban con una zona la cual les permitia realizar varios tipos de actividades, en esa epoca muchas personas vivian de la agricultura y la cria de animales domesticos, aqui vemos vestigios del patio original y se cree que en esta zona se criaban gallinas. β›°οΈπŸ°πŸ§­

Less than 2 kilometres away we find an ancient Roman villa, which we can visit. This is a clear example that the village of "Saloio" has probably been inhabited since prehistoric times. When we enter we can see objects from the Romanesque, prehistoric and modern times! Then we have a walk through time with different black and white photos that show us how the town lived from agriculture and even mining!🏰🚩🌎
A poco menos de 2 kilometros conseguimos una villa romana antigua, la cual podemos visitar, esto es un claro ejemplo que la aldea de "Saloio" ha sido habitada probablemente desde la prehistoria, cuando entramos podemos ver objetos de la epoca romanica, prehistoria y moderna! luego tenemos un paseo en el tiempo con diferentes fotos en blanco y negro que nos muestran como el pueblo vivia de la agricultura e inclusive de la mineria! πŸ¦‹

I'll dwell on this photo because I found it so interesting to see that women were specialists in embroidering clothes and other things, but I had never in my life seen a shoe made with this technique! Crazy, right?πŸŒŽβ›°οΈ
me dentendre en esta foto porque me parecio tan interesante ver que las mujeres eran especialista en bordar ropa y otras cosas, pero nunca en mi vida habia visto un zapato realizado con esta tecnica! que loco no?🏰🚩

Visit to the castle of AlenquerπŸ“ΈπŸ° /Visita al castillo de alenquer🌎🚩

11th century wallsπŸ€“πŸ°

After finishing visiting the museum and learning interesting things, I went to the Alenquer Castle. I'll leave you the coordinates here: (39Β° 03.451' N 9Β° 00.447' O). I have a lot of information and material about Alenquer, so I'll make a post about the city. In the meantime, we can analyze this beautiful castle. Upon arriving, the first thing I noticed were its enormous walls, which seemed to be more than 15 meters high, well preserved and original from that time.πŸ§­πŸ“Έ

luego de terminar de visitar el museo y aprender cosas interesantes me desplaze al castillo de Alenquer, te dejo las coordenadas aqui: (39Β° 03.451' N 9Β° 00.447' O), tengo mucha informacion y material de Alenquer por tanto hare un post sobre la ciudad, mientras tanto podemos analisar este hermoso castillo. Al llegar lo primero que noto son sus enormes murallas parecen tener mas de 15 metros, bien conservadas y originales de la epoca.πŸš©β›²

After the occupation of Alenquer by the Romans, the Moors inhabited the land for several centuries, approximately more than 400 years. However, in the 11th century, a Portuguese King decided to expand the territory of Portugal from the centre to the north. In view of this, King Henry the Conqueror decided in 1112, after expelling the Moors, to conquer the city and occupy it with the Portuguese and order the fortification of the castle.🚩🌎
Posteriormente de la ocupacion de los Romanos en Alenquer los Moros habitaron las tierras por algunos siglos aproximadamente mas de 400 anos, sin embargo un Rey Portugues en el siglo XI decidio expandir el territorio de Portugal del centro hacia el norte, en vista de esa decidio el Rey Henrique el conquistador en el ano 1112, luego de expulsar a los Moros conquista la ciudad y la ocupa por Portugueses y ordena la fortificacion del castillo.🧭🚩

The Moors' offensiveπŸ“ΈπŸ° /La ofensiva de los Moros🌎🚩

Why is the castle so small? In fact, I believe that this is one of the castles that has suffered the most sieges in all of history. After being conquered in the 11th century, a number of years would pass before the Moors could rearm their army and attack the walls again. The castle suffered countless battles and the keep was destroyed, however the walls and the gate resisted, which led to Henrique's victory again and future battles of his son Sancho!🧭🏰
Por que es tan pequeno el castillo? en realidad este creo que es uno de los castillos que mas asedios tuvo que sufrir en toda la historia, luego del siglo XI ser conquistado pasarian un conjunto de anos para que los Moros rearmaran su ejercito y volverian atacar las murallas, el castillo sufrio innumerables combates y la torre de homenaje se destruyo sin embargo las murallas y la puerta resistieron, lo que llevo a la victoria nuevamente de Henrique y los futuros combates de su hijo Sancho!πŸ˜₯πŸ’‘

The history of this castle will be remembered by the Portuguese in the year 1040.🏰🧭

La historia de este castillo sera recordada por los portugueses del ano 1040.πŸ°πŸ’‘

"Couraca" TowerπŸ“ΈπŸ° /Torre de "Couraca"🌎🚩

This is one of the best preserved structures of the castle, we can see that it is many meters high and who would say that the Moors could not invade the city just because of this.πŸ€“πŸ°

Esta es una de las estructuras mejores conservadas del castillo, podemos ver que tiene muchisimos metros de altura y quien diria que los Moros no pudieron invadir la ciudad solo por esto.🧭🚩


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How interesting your adventure north of Lisbon! I love how you describe each place and the history behind it. The museum "Casal do Saloio" sounds fascinating, and the connection to the agricultural past is something very special. Thank you for sharing your experience.


I love how the castle was preserved with the test of time. Nothing compares with getting to know about the past of a place from genuine spots like this one. Thank you for sharing! :)


yup! and I understand that they found many war objects in this area used in wars
