Alenquer land of dreams⛰️/ Alenquer tierra de suenos🚩 (En-Es)

In all the cities I have been to in Portugal, I could say... Is Alenquer my favourite city? At the moment it is in my top 3. Alenquer is a small city north of Lisbon, situated on a small mountain, which is full of history. There were fortifications in this area since the Romanesque era, and even when the Moors arrived in Portugal they built a citadel and even a "castle" here. Join me on this experience to visit the city of "nativity scenes". Curious, isn't it?⛰️🚩

En tantas ciudades que ya estuve en Portugal podria decir... Es Alenquer mi ciudad favorita? de momento esta entre mis top 3, Alenquer es una pequena ciudad al norte de Lisboa situada en una pequena montana que esta llena de historia, desde la era Romanica ya habian fortificaciones por esta zona, e inclusive cuando los Moros llegaron a Portugal construyeron aqui una ciudadela e inclusive un "castillo". Acompaname en esta experiencia para visitar la ciudad de los "pesebres". Curioso no?🌎👨🏻‍🦯⛲

My first stop📸⛰️ /Mi primera parada🌎🚩

What a welcome the town of Alenquer gives us! The first tourist spot we can visit is the "Alto da Boa Vista" viewpoint, it is a relatively new swing that was made to promote tourism in the city, from here we can enjoy the best view of the city or at least one of them, it is like a picnic area with chairs and tables, ideal for spending a day with the family! It has parking and is quite pleasant in the first days of summer or spring, from here we see the sign that says (Alenquer, city of the manger).🌎⛲⛰️
Vaya bienvenida nos da la villa de Alenquer el primer lugar turistico que vamos a poder visitar es el mirador "alto da boa vista", es un columpio relativamente nuevo que se hizo para impulsar el turismo de la ciudad, desde aqui podemos disfrutar del mejor paisaje de la ciudad o al menos uno de ellos, es como un area de picnic tiene sillas, mesas, ideal para pasar un dia en familia! tiene estacionamiento y es bastante agradable en los primeros dias de verano o primavera, desde aqui vemos el letro que dice (alenquer ciudad del pesebre).🚙🏰

Damian de Gois Museum📸⛰️ /Museu Damião de Góis🌎🚩

My second stop was at the museum (Damião de Góis), it is a place dedicated to the life of Mr. Damião who was born in Alenquer from a wealthy family and who made great contributions to Portuguese science, something curious about the museum is that there are some cement graves and I asked the secretary and she told me that they are tombs in homage to those fallen by the Inquisition, then I was even more curious ... Reading about Mr. Damian due to his contributions on religion and navigation he had problems with the Catholic Church, Damião spoke 4 languages ​​​​and studied abroad.🤓🚙🏰
Mi segunda parada seria en el museo (Damião de Góis), se trata de un local destinado a la vida del senor Damião quien nacio en Alenquer proveniente de una familia rica y el cual dio grandes aportes a la ciencia Portuguesa, algo curioso del museo es que hay unas hurnas de cemento y pregunte a la senora secretaria y me dijo que son tumbas en homenaje a los caidos por la inquisicion, entonces quede mas curioso aun... Leyendo sobre el senor Damian debido a sus aportes sobre la religion y la navegacion tuvo problemas con la iglesia catolica, Damião hablabla 4 lenguas y estudio en el exterior.🌎⛲⛰️

doubtful death⛲🚩

In the last years of his life, Mr. Damião de Góis had problems with the Inquisition again, but this time he was accused of heresy and other crimes. He was sentenced to about fifteen years in prison. He lived in such bad conditions that he got scabies. He was so sick that he could barely walk. At that point, he was released from prison and went to his house in Alenquer to live there for a few days, alone. His family had disinherited him and apparently one day they found him dead on the ground and, according to the coroner, he was murdered. It is believed that it was the Inquisition itself. But that is something that no one will know for sure.🧭📸

En los ultimos anos de vida el senor Damião de Góis tuvo nuevamente problemas con la inquisicion pero en este caso se le fue acusado de herejia y otros delitos, le dieron unos quince anos de carcel, vivio en unas condiciones tan malas que se enfermo de sarna, estaba tan enfermo que apenas podia caminar, en ese punto lo liberaron de prision y se fue a su casa en alenquer para vivir alli algunos dias, solo, la familia lo habia desheredado y aparentemente un dia lo consiguen muerto en el suelo y segun el forense determino que lo asesinaron. Se cree que fue la misma inquisicion. Pero es algo que nadie sabra a ciencia cierta.🚩⛲

Church "Da Misericordia"📸⛰️ /Iglesia "da misericordia"🌎🚩

We have arrived at our third tourist site and it is a church built in the age of discovery, specifically in 1527. Later, a modification was made in 1529. The church suffered during the earthquake of 1755 and was completely destroyed. It had to be restored again in 1863. I read that it served as a hospital and there is also a small theatre area. Today it is a must-see, it is a fantastic church and is well maintained.🏰🌎
Llegamos a nuestro tercer sitio turistico y se trata de una iglesia construida en la era de los descubrimientos especificamente en 1527, posteriormente se hizo una modificacion en 1529, la iglesia sufrio con el terremoto de 1755 y quedo totalmente destruida, tuvo que restaurarse de nuevo en 1863, lei que sirvio de hospital y tambien hay una pequena zona de teatro. Hoy en dia es una visita obligatoria es una iglesia fantastica y esta bien cuidada.🚙🤓😁

City center📸⛰️ /Centro de la ciudad🌎🚩

Alenquer is a small, colorful, warm and fairly quiet town. It is the middle of summer and there are no tourists on the streets. You can find everything from hotels to restaurants. Let's say it's a place where you can stay for a few days to spend a quiet vacation. I visited some alleys, a fountain from 1929, other churches, a 16th century bridge. The Moors built the village, which is why we see that architecture from that time is still preserved in some places. However, when King Henrique conquered Alenquer, he ordered everything to be destroyed.🚙🚩
Alenquer es una ciudad pequena colorida, calida y bastante tranquila, estamos en pleno verano y no hay turistas en las calles, tienes desde hoteles hasta restaurantes digamos que es un lugar donde puedes quedarte unos dias a pasar unas vacaciones tranquilas, visite algunos callejones, una fuente de 1929, otras iglesias, un puente del siglo XVI, quienes construyeron la aldea fueron los moros por eso vemos que aun se conserva arquitectura de esa epoca en algunos lugares, sin embargo el rey Henrique cuando conquisto Alenquer mando a destruir todo.🌎🏰

Church "Sao Pedro"📸⛰️ /Iglesia "Sao pedro"🌎🚩

After walking around the square and the streets of the city, I entered this church that the lady from the first museum recommended to me. Why? Because in the ground we found the tomb of the character Damian Gois, it was here where he was buried. This church already existed in the 13th century and was also destroyed by the earthquake of 1755, and like the previous one it was restored.🚙🤓⛲
Luego de caminar un poco por la plaza y las calles de la ciudad, entre en esta iglesia que me recomendo la senora del primer museo por que? pues porque en el suelo conseguimos la tumba del personaje Damian Gois, fue aqui donde lo cepultaron, esta iglesia ya existia en el siglo XIII tambien fue destruida por el terremoto de 1755, y al igual que la anterior fue restaurada.🚙🏰🌎

Church "São Francisco, Alenquer"📸⛰️ /Iglesia "São Francisco, Alenquer"🌎🚩

Now I visit the last place and the most interesting and beautiful of all, this convent was created after the Portuguese conquests of the Moors, it is a construction from the 11th century, the one who ordered the construction was the daughter of D. Sancho I, Don Sancha had certain ties with the Franciscan order, so much so that he gave this convent to the order! It has a mix of architecture where we highlight a door in Manueline style. There is parking, it is free, just check the schedule.🚙🏰
Ahora visito el ultimo lugar y el mas interesante y bonito de todos, este convento fue creado posteriormente a la conquistas portuguesas hacia los Moros, es una construccion del siglo XI, quien ordeno la construccion fue la hija de D. Sancho I, Don Sancha tenia ciertas ligaciones con la orden franciscanos, tanto que regalo este convento a la orden! tiene una mezcla de arquitectura donde destacamos una puerta en estilo manuelino. Tienes estacionamiento, es gratis, solo revisa el horario.🚩🚙

City viewpoint📸⛰️ /Mirador de la ciudad🌎🚩

Finally, to finish my visit to the city, I took some photos at the city's viewing point, from here we can see the entire city and even the castle. The reason it is called the city of nativity scenes is because here there is first a museum dedicated to them and every December they turn the village into a giant living nativity scene.🏰🌎

Por ultimo y para culminar mi visita a la ciudad tome unas fotos en el mirador de la ciudad, desde aqui podemos ver toda la ciudad e inclusive el castillo. Respondiendo porque se llama la ciudad de los pesebres es porque aqui primeramente hay un museo dedicados a ellos y todos los diciembres convierten la aldea en un pesebre viviente gigante.🤓


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