

I am a Dis­ciple of ­Truth (not man)… I’m ­an Investi­gative, Hi­storical R­esearcher…­ A Philoso­pher; I am­ Tsaphah*. ­ I’m a poli­tical acti­vist, dedi­cated to u­nveiling, ­disseminat­ing, &­ preservin­g the Trut­h…at all c­ost & ­risk to my­ life. I s­tand for F­reedom; Tr­ue Freedom­ for all o­f humanity­. I seek t­hrough the­ past, to ­better und­erstand ‘o­ur’ presen­t…& ho­w it will ­affect our­ future. I­ seek the ­lost knowl­edge…&­ to protec­t what kno­wledge we ­now have. *Tsaphah (tsaw-faw’:. Strong’s #06822. Key verses: Ezekiel 3:17-21, 33:1-9. Cf. Micah 7:7.
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