RE: I am taking a longer break from blogging on the Hive blockchain (2024.06.08)


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I do get engage with your post with Harris Hawk, I do not have a bird but seeing the way you care for your Harris Hawk and timely go to places with her, I was motivated and i was planning to get a bird just like her someday, now that you want to take a break, where would I derived those motivation from, I understand what you said, and some may be truth in some aspects, but that's it about life, it doesn't work mostly in the angle we thought is right, but the thing we mustn't ever consider is giving up on what we love to do, I do enjoy your post and all that you write, and I Wish you do not leave hive for that long. 🙏


I never considered giving up on doing what I love. I do what I love all the time. This is why nowadays I spend very little time online. I just simply prefer to write and post about it on a properly working platform (Facebook groups).

Better to do this with the very little time I spend online. I always receive meaningful comments there, while on the Hive blockchain mostly I do not receive comments.


I understand the feelings, but I want you around, let the little time you have for online activities be on hive, you might not know how many people you inspired on the platform, I am proud to say that, I am one of those person's.
