Let's talk about fear itself


As human beings, we are governed by a number of factors that affect our lives, but spatially those factors that most intervene in the development of our lives are the feelings. And I would dare to say that one of the strongest feelings or emotions that have the most repercussions on us is fear. Fear is that factor that often determines how we think, how we act and even how we feel about something.

Fear is so powerful that it is able to paralyze us and make us lose control over our body, causing us to resort to our lowest instincts to act. So if fear is so powerful and important for the development of our lives, is it good or bad to feel fear?

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In general, fear is a fundamental part of our life, in fact, if for some reason we stop feeling afraid we would be in serious problems; because it is of fear that we are able to generate awareness and a sense of survival. In short, if we were not afraid our instincts would weaken and we would be at the mercy of all kinds of harmful scenarios. Fear is what we feel when we are being robbed and that generates a sense of survival that prevents us from doing any kind of nonsense in complicated moments, such as in a robbery. Maybe you will tell me but is not it better to feel courage in that kind of scenario instead of fear? Do not confuse, fear and courage are two emotions that can easily coexist in the same scenario, or what you think trigger courage in people? Well, fear.

In short, without fear, our way of acting would surely be greatly modified to such an extent that we would surely adopt more imprudent positions that would undoubtedly lead us to situations where we would be in serious danger.

Fear is a feeling induced by perceived danger or threat that occurs in certain types of organisms, which causes a change in metabolic and organ functions and ultimately a change in behavior

As I have been able to emphasize in the first lines of this post, fear is one of the main emotions of the human being since rules many aspects of our day to day life and although surely for me as well as for you when we are afraid it is completely unpleasant, is a emotion without which we can not live and that we can not get rid of no matter how much we want to do it.

Fear, Good or bad

If you have arrived here maybe you will be wondering, is it good to feel scared? And the short answer would be Yes, it is good to feel fear because as an emotion, no matter if it is negative or positive, is always good to experience.

However, like everything in life, each thing has a moment and a because something like a cause that explains why. Ahh?

Let me clarify a little more, yes, it is good to feel afraid, but only on certain occasions.

If I had to explain you (an I have) using some analogy I would say that fear is like drinking coffee, one, two and even 3 cups a day do not hurt and rather keep us alert and help in some way to focus. But if you drink 10, 20, 30 or more cups of coffee a day that will undoubtedly have a detrimental effect on your body, for example, your digestive system will systematically have some faults and you will most likely have a tremendous loss of sleep and I think it does not necessary to explain what happens when we do not sleep correctly.

In summary, fear is what generates all the mechanisms that keep us alert to any type of scenario. And in that way, it is without a doubt a positive feeling.

So it's definitely good to be afraid?

Yes and no, on the one hand, it is true that fear generates a number of instincts that keep us safe, but on the other hand, if we adopt a more extreme position and start to feel fear of everything or irrational fears, it is there when it becomes a huge and tedious inconvenience.

As mentioned, fear begins to be a negative feeling when it takes over completely from us and goes out of control, that is, when it begins to appear in any type of circumstances. Basically, when we start to feel fear in a habitual way in all kinds of situations, that is when the problems begin.

A clear example is when we retract and close for fear of trying new things, something like feeling afraid to fail. And that for me is the worst consequence of fear, closing the doors to new possibilities or who has never regretted putting aside fear and simply taking risks?

Another consequence of feeling unrestrained fear is that we will be predisposed to adopt other disorders that eventually end up triggering a number of problems in our mind, such as phobias.

I remember when I was a little girl and I was learning to swim my mom told me "** Do not be afraid to enter the water, do something.**"

Fear is not the problem, the problem is what we do with fear.

The control that fear will have over our decisions and actions will always be determined by the amount of control we give, in a few words if fear affects us more, less, positively or negatively, it is because we have allowed it to influence us.


In short, fear is such an important emotion and so fundamental to our lives that without it we would be subject to losing our lives, Yes to that extreme. I think we would arrive at the lack of fear in our lives. I say this because as I emphasize several times throughout the post it is thanks to the fear that we remain alert to certain situations, but nevertheless when we adopt a position where fear takes over our rational way of acting, everything becomes complicated because we close ourselves in a vicious circle where we only systematically damage ourselves.

We must let fear arise but without forgetting that we are the ones who must control it, and not the other way, otherwise we will be subject to dangerous situations and the development of phobias, many of them stupid, excuse the expression but there are phobias caused by fear that are simply absurd and stupid.

In situations where fear could seize our minds, the best thing to do is to try to control it so that we can finally overcome it. The best way to do it is to analyze the situation so that the consequences of facing fear are less unfavorable to the consequences we would have to face if we let it take over.

However, there will always be situations where it is best to act guided by fear, like the example of the robbery that I gave them at the beginning where from my point of view the ideal is not to become the hero (I speak from the perspective of someone who has experienced, a first-hand robbery) and letting that, to experts or the Marvel Avengers.

