The discreet charm of abandoned things - EPISODE 10 - THE WRECK OF A SOCIAL PLATFORM


Ever wondered how it looks to crawl through the dark virtual corridors of an abandoned social network, filled with scattered thoughts and uploads, maybe haunted with ghosts of departed users and some sporadic lost souls that still pretend to be alive, or are just unaware that this is not the virtual life, but the grim and dark afterlife ? Would you like to enjoy that experience ? If your answer is no - be free to explore some of my more optimistic posts, or some cool posts of the many cool creative people around Steemit ... but ... if your answer is yes - please follow me ...
... on this short journey into the heart of darkness...
... with just a simple lighter to leed the way.
I was active on Jamaa sporadically, for a couple of months, parallel with my first and hard days on Steemit, when I didn't have much hope to achieve anything here. I was struggling with English language and I never blogged before, so I had no idea how to structure my thoughts or everyday life events in some articulated and interesting narratives, or even squeeze out of my poor, tortured mind a few short sentences to accompany the visual art that I was always producing with ease without bothering to talk or explain anything with words ... especially not on a foreign language.
Here I could say just "Good morning" or "Good night" like on Facebook, hang a picture or two by the text, and upvotes were coming. But nonetheless, I tried even here to improve and make a decent post ... from time to time at least.
It was a fun time ... I liked the site, its colorful visual style, there were some people there and cool everyday images from various corners of Africa started to appear, because as was stated on the site - it was primarily oriented to Africa, as an attempt to improve the earnings, lifestyle and freedom of speech - here I'm loosely quoting what I remember reading back then. I was posting, voting, trying always to reward some cool personal content, sure about the bright future of this thing ... but slowly, with some posts on Steemit getting finally some above 1 dollar rewards, I put all my efforts into Steemit and forgot about Jamaa.
When I returned after many moons to see if there is maybe some value here that I can turn to Steem and speed up my race out of the Minnow status ... I found this desolate, Twilight zone atmosphere ... this was a few weeks ago.
And tonight ... I finally realized - Hey, there is a cool blogging material here ! A great opportunity to get out of the Nature - Art - Photography routine and write something Blockchain, Business and Technology oriented, for a change. Yap, that's how this post came to be.
It's middle of the night here where I live, midnight just passed by, 30 minutes ago ... quite an appropriate time for obscure excursions through obscure social networks ... but I think that I said all that I had in mind ... so now ...
IMG_1484 samoMALO.jpg
... with this closing, photoshopped picture ... I'll end this little bed time story and go to sleep ... as always in these post on Steemit, the photographs are made by me, the hand and the lighter on those pictures are also mine... and so is the Borjan Radolovich Jamaa profile.


Hello @borjan

Thank you for posting within our hive. I upvoted your content already. Please spare few minutes and read how project.hope is organized and learn about our economy.

That would help you understand more our goals and how are we trying to achieve them. Hopefully you will join our community and become strong part of it :)

Do you use telegram or discord? If you do then join our server and give me a shout. I would gladly share with you goals of our community and introduce to others from our team.

Our discord sever:

@project.hope team,


Solid read. Upvoted.

ps. welcome within project.hope community :)


Thanks :) I actually have rarely something to say or write about blockchain, technology and related set of topics, these are not the things that I have the best understanding of, so I'm usually just reading from time to time ... but who knows, with more time on Steemit, maybe I'll get more into these things. I read a solid number of Crypto.Piotr articles and I like the ideas behind this community. Thanks for the welcome :)
