How medium curated their articles - What you should know


Sometimes it is to know what's inside by shaking the bottle. After doing a personal investigation on how medium curates its articles, here is what I find out.

Issue #1. — Your Social Accounts says a lot about you.

Your account says a lot about you than what you realize. The moment you register an account on Medium, your presentation is being analyzed. You may either connect with Facebook or Twitter, this gives them a bigger grip on your personality, based on your posts, friends, and the things you like on these social media.

I am suggesting that they also have more access to things that we don’t know about, that if you are banned on any of these social media sites like twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and so on, they will secretly tag, and blacklist you on a database, where this database is accessible by other giant social media accounts where it will alert all of them. So don’t be surprised if you are banned on Twitter to later find out that you can’t log on to Amazon, Facebook or Medium.

Issue #2 — Your Digital Footprints

Based on issue #1, depending on your activities on these social media, you are then graded based on threat levels, some will pass with flying colors because they never share or involve themselves with any harmful or controversial information, so they are good to go. That’s why some people would be banned the moment they register their accounts on social media, this is not limited to only that but also the level of spam.

Issue #3 — A Database of Blacklisted keywords

Remember the internet is connected more than you think, there is a database of blacklisted keywords and synonyms that whenever you use these blacklisted keywords or their synonyms on your posts, they stain your entire reputation. And your rank goes lower. Again there are some keywords that are not harmful but have the potential of being spam, sexually explicit, fake news, or pseudoscience, illegal or criminal activities. When you are writing your post try to check your article for the use of these words.

Issue #4— The secret tags

Actual curation is not entirely done by bots, it is a manual assisted process, what this means is after your account is rated, where there are people who are on the red zones, they can easily become suspended anytime, so most of the information they post is never passed as curated but it is highly monitored, and most likely they rank on the bottom even from its own subscribers. While other writers are automatically curated by the bots.
The interesting thing here is even Google’s algorithm ranks contents based on these secret tags. Once one social media giant tags you, your content won’t even show on Google.

What’s the conclusion?

If I was a social media giant, I would do exactly the same, remember one person’s freedom could mean someone’s else, enslavement. And with great power comes responsibility. So it is their responsibility to make sure they protect the community at all costs.

What should you do?

Be responsible and a good member of society, we enjoy expressing ourselves, but being mindful about who you share your information with, put a disclaimer, and be clear about your information.
If you have a different opinions share it somewhere else where you won't get banned and are allowed to speak freely like here on Hive people are comfortable and have a stomach for it.
