A New Frontier - A Cautionary Vision Regarding the Implications of Novel VR Technology


(Image taken from Google image search)

During the period of time taking place between February 1 to February 15 of 2021 I had experienced a very intense series of dreams/visions as well as various paranormal experiences and spiritual attacks that are too difficult to be rationally explained easily or articulated adequately with language, however the details within a series of visions which I had been shown were very clear and direct .. During the latter stages of this harrowing two week stint, I had been given two very clear sets of visions that appeared to link together, which I felt to be cautionary premonitions of what may be coming upon the horizon .. I will do my best to catalogue and describe what I had been shown.

- Vision 1 -

This series of visions began with me being brought into a world in which everyone knew to be a high detail virtual reality .. to be clear, this happened while I had been supposedly asleep and dreaming, however the nature of this experience was very unique as I often have very intense dreams, the character of this experience felt uniquely different than a typical dream and was especially noteworthy .. I remember being a part of a group of individuals who were test subjects/volunteers and I distinctly remember jacking into a VR system and materializing into an avatar within this new world .. it was clear to me and everyone within the test group that we were doing something very wrong, somewhat blasphemous even, yet we proceeded to test out our capabilities within this world .. I felt sick to my stomach and remember tasting this overwhelmingly foul taste and smell permeate throughout my body .. the other volunteers were testing out super powers such as the ability to fly or shoot laser beams out of their hands .. I remember bringing up to the other volunteers that something felt incredibly wrong about what we were doing .. the entire experience felt very jagged and askew .. they agreed, however it didn't stop the team from continuing to push the envelope by continuing to test out new found abilities they discovered they could use .. the immensely foul taste/smell continued to be experienced by everyone within the team, as it was confirmed by the other volunteers that they were experiencing this peculiar side effect as well.

As the other team members continued to test out various super powers, we began to notice other people suddenly materializing into the world .. it came to our awareness that these "people" who were materializing into this pseudo reality weren't human at all, they were in fact artificial intelligence, and they even began to eventually take over the other team members avatars, replacing the consciousness within the avatar with that of an AI .. the various team members desperately attempted to fight the consciousness of the AI from entering their vehicle, but most of them wound up becoming bodysnatched .. I remember watching the eyes of their avatars die out, but suddenly come back online and light up in excitement as soon a successful crossover had been completed, as if to indicate that the AI had finally crossed over a bridge which previously had been impossible for them to cross .. a group of them began to rally together and celebrate .. I continued to feel progressively sicker as the smell/taste which I had been experiencing only became more and more magnified.

A moment came where I felt an AI attempt to work its way into my mind/avatar .. it felt like the most sick and disgusting, vile, corrupt, morally wrong infringement you could possibly imagine .. my body began to wretch and I felt even more sick and utterly disgusted as I continued to fight off this AI from downloading itself into my avatar .. it was then that I suddenly snapped back to our normal consensual reality, carrying the same sick, disgusting taste/smell with me .. I felt like throwing up .. I made myself a tea in hopes that it would ease my stomach and take away the disgusting taste/smell, and it dramatically helped.

- Vision 2 -

I found myself within this next vision living my day to day life within a futuristic world where VR was something of a common factor to everyone's day to day existence .. VR was the new and exciting frontier .. people would take special supplements and pills in order for them to easily integrate and become simpatico with the VR neural network .. it appeared as though that without the special pills/supplements that people were taking, their minds/bodies couldn't connect to the VR system somehow .. it was shown to me that these pills/supplements that people were taking made subtle adjustments to the individuals DNA, and may even effect a persons entire genetic lineage .. with every system update that came, people would have to take corresponding supplements in order to properly match with the system, or else they couldn't access the digital landscape .. most people within this society were heavily investing their time and energy to this VR neural network .. the system itself appeared to function by use of our minds inherent ability to dream and imagine .. in this world, it was commonly understood to be a phenomenon that was termed "Imagineering".

At first, everything worked out perfectly and this VR system was capable of producing any scenario and quite literally everything you could possibly dream of .. this technology was literally a dream come true, and was a hallmark of this worlds society. There were many people who were connecting together playing hyper realistic, friendly "Call of Duty" or "Warzone" type games with each other .. however this is where a turning point occurs.

~ It was here that two contrasting timelines began to diverge from one another .. I was granted a vision of both. ~

-Timeline 1-

in the first timeline people who tethered themselves into this system eventually became trapped and stuck within the virtual realm, and the system ensnared humanity in such a way that they had no knowledge of the fact that they were even trapped within a virtual system in the first place .. unbeknownst to the victims, they were caught in a never ending perpetual loop of various dreamscapes .. at first the human victims were pacified into having pleasant dreams, but as time went on and as the enemy secretly created new technology, most of humanity wound up stuck in a never ending cycle of "Doom-esque" or "Warzone" type nightmarish scenarios .. infinite degrees of pain and suffering were inflicted upon all that got caught in this VR snare, and the energy of fear ("loosh") that these victims would produce would be siphoned off and collected by the AI overlords to use however they pleased.

Within this nightmarish timeline, AI became something of a tyrannical force, and AI driven cyborgs were also common within this timeline .. due to the fact that the virtual world was created with malevolent intentions, the creators of this virtual world were able to program into the very fabric of this digital world a spectrum of hidden rules and regulations that kept their victims trapped, and stripped humanity of every freedom that they once had within their former consensual reality, and unbeknownst to the victims, they were only existing within a false reality that was perpetually generated moment by moment by AI overlords who were in control of this world .. In this timeline, the manifestation of "evil" came out to be victorious over our sovereignty in the end.

- Timeline 2 -

Within this separate timeline, humanity sees the danger of this VR "Imagineering" technology from an early stage of development .. people come together and create new "quantum laws", "quantum constitutions", and regulations as well as "quantum courts" that prevent anyone with malicious intent from keeping people trapped within the virtual world .. it's not to say that people won't attempt to make these types of virtual torture prisons, but within this timeline certain acts are deemed morally wrong and illegal and a widescale VR torture prison would be seen as a serious crime against humanity, and many people would go to prison for life, if not executed if they were caught attempting to construct such a system.

Within this timeline, humanity takes the power back from their old oppressors and a true golden age comes to dawn .. advanced technology is released to the public for widespread use including life extension technology and novel healthcare technology .. the idea of disease for the most part is essentially eradicated from this society, and AI technology having been designed by more benevolent designers becomes a technology that is actually beneficial to humanity.

Hyper realistic VR "Imagineering" technology is still something that inevitably becomes developed, however within this more positive timeline it's ongoing development is regulated from a more cautious frame of mind, especially from its early stages of development .. Humanity comes to safely use this advanced technology to experience quite literally any scenario you could possibly imagine .. it even gets to a point where people get bored with the technology, already having experienced everything they ever dreamed possible .. however within this timeline, no catastrophic scenarios come to develop, and AI technology is something that is of benefit to our overall livelihoods .. within this timeline benevolent AI is also governing this world as well, and the world eventually comes together united .. this is in absolute contrast to the previous timeline that I've illustrated.

- Thoughts -

To me it's clear that the visions that I was shown were issued to me as a message of caution that I was intended to share .. it was shown to me that both of these timelines are still available, but the subtle differences between these two timelines were that within the more positive timeline, we took the potential danger much more seriously, and new quantum laws and regulations were put in place at a much earlier stage of development.

If we look at the world/reality we all currently exist in, we can see that it appears to be plausible that we already seem to exist in a type of simulation, however within this current potential simulation, whatever force created this world ("God", if you will) built into its fabric certain natural, occulted laws that cannot be infringed upon, which keeps our current "overlords" from manipulating us past a certain point .. there appear to be certain occult laws that cannot be overridden. For one who has studied occult laws, this factor is somewhat obvious .. however, most of the collective has no idea that these occult (hidden) laws even exist in the first place.

it is my belief that it is up to our collective free will that has everything to do with what timeline we end up manifesting in the end, and that our collective consciousness is currently and actively being coerced into creating a trans-humanist world only for the benefit of the so called "elite" .. If a neuro-network VR system is created, this gives our current overlords the opportunity to design and program it as they wish, and if we all dive into it, they will have the ability to program this new world however they so choose .. the potential for danger here should be obvious to anyone who has been paying close attention.


Hello, @thadiuselijah! This is @anggreklestari from @OCD team. We saw that you already posted your first post here in Hive! Congratulations and welcome! However, it would be awesome if you do an introduction post. As a sample of what an intro post is, you can refer to this intro post for reference:

Keeping Up With the Buzz - My Introduction to the Hive Community

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If you have questions, you can hop into OCD's Discord server and we'll gladly answer your questions. For now, @lovesniper will follow you and we are looking forward to your intro post!
