Why Japanese Red Cross Prohibits Blood Donations From People Vaccinated For COVID-19


Is this surprising?

The Japanese Red Cross is refusing to accept blood donations from people who have been injected with the covid-19 vaccine of any brand.

Japanese Red Cross' website states that a person who has been vaccinated against COVID-19 “are not allowed to donate blood for the time being.” Vaccinated people are restricted from letting their blood for a certain time after their vaccination.

In the case of getting a hepatitis B vaccine, individuals are restricted to give blood for two weeks. For individuals who have received vaccines against mumps they are deferred for one month or 4 weeks. A person who have gotten the smallpox vaccine will have to wait 8 weeks to able to donate.

Why is Japan so cautious on blood donations?

Japan has a phobia which took event in the 1980s when donors' blood were contaminated with HIV virus.

Jeffrey Kingston - the director of Asian studies at Temple University’s Japan, said that.

“It’s a bureaucratic bottleneck driven by fear that something might go wrong, so best to delay and delay.”

This is contrary to what is happening in the United States. American Red Cross almost has no restrictions getting blood from the covid-19 vaccinated individual.

Since there are only three vaccine brands that the US did approve, namely Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson.

A person jabbed with these mRNA vaccines are allowed to donate blood immediately, according to the American Red Cross website. For these 3 brands there are no prohibitions on donating blood anytime.

Though, for some people who've traveled to the US and had taken a different brand of vaccines the US Red Cross advised them to wait for two weeks before they could give their blood.

Blood banks in America have been experiencing shortages since the start of the pandemic.

Kim Cronin, manager of donor services at Massachusetts General Hospital said, “The past fourteen months have been quite challenging for those of us responsible for maintaining an adequate blood supply for patients in need.”

“The simple answer is, there is no waiting time between vaccination and donation,” said Kim Cronin.

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