RE: The Physics Classroom: My Eureka moment


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Wow! I was even enjoying your own class already . Didn't want it to end I wanted to keep reading lol.

Did I just hear a story? Please bring it on! I readjusted my seat to pay proper attention. As a 14-year-old teenager, reading or listening to stories was one of my best hobbies. I could finish a 500-page novel within 24 hours and can do so without batting an eyelid throughout the night.

I love stories too but I'm surprised a science student is so into stories. Back then when I was in high school too if I ever mentioned novels to any of my science friends, they'd sigh and walk away. They told me novels and stories were boring but I should bring on calculations and theories and they'll give me listening ears so maybe you're just the first ever😁.

Go and find out as your assignment.

Hahaha! Your teacher was funny and also a good one you know. I love teachers that are good at using stories to make their students understand a topic better. If I had such a physics teacher back then I should have been a science student but then the physics teacher of my time really sucked!. Nice post for that I'll share my pizza with you🥰 !PIZZA

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One of my favorite classes in university was medical parasitology.

The professor taught via stories and they were memorable ones. It made the textbook information easier to remember.

When we think about it, there's a reason why humans had oral traditions for the longest time.


Yup. I agree. Stories are a good way to teach. It can make a huge difference, especially in kids.

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I love stories too but I'm surprised a science student is so into stories. Back then when I was in high school too if I ever mentioned novels to any of my science friends, they'd sigh and walk away. They told me novels and stories were boring but I should bring on calculations and theories and they'll give me listening ears so maybe you're just the first ever.

I love stories even up till today. I probably consume more stories and scifis here on the hive blockchain than any other user.

Hahaha! Your teacher was funny and also a good one you know. I love teachers that are good at using stories to make their students understand a topic better. If I had such a physics teacher back then I should have been a science student but then the physics teacher of my time really sucked!. Nice post for that I'll share my pizza with you

Yea. We science students are considered boring and rightly so, to be honest. Especially those of us in natural sciences.

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I love stories even up till today. I probably consume more stories and scifis here on the hive blockchain than any other user

Interesting! I love that.

Yea. We science students are considered boring and rightly so, to be honest. Especially those of us in natural sciences

Boring? Far from it, I love science students 🥰

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