ServiceNow: cos'è?


ServiceNow è un piattaforma as a service, in cloud, che permette di integrare all’interno di un’unica istanza processi di business e di sviluppare, far girare e gestire applicazioni che servano alla gestione dei servizi IT.
Il fatto che la piattaforma sia in cloud consente a tutti gli utenti di connettersi da qualsiasi dispositivo, in qualsiasi momento grazie unicamente ad una connessione internet.
Le aziende che utilizzano ServiceNow hanno cosi un unico punto di ingaggio per tutta l’azienda.
Quasi tutti gli altri sistemi in cloud sono basati su un’architettura Multi Tenant. Dove le 5 componenti in figura

Tutto è incentrato su un database multitenant che è comune a tutti gli utenti e i clienti. Un problema su quel database diventa un problema per tutti coloro i quali condividono quel database. Un’indisponibilità di quest’ultimo crea un disservizio per tutti coloro i quali si appoggiano ad esso.
Con ServiceNow la musica cambia grazie alla configurazione “Multi Istance”: image.png
Ogni organizzazione può richiedere una o più istanze e ServiceNow consentirà di condividerne dati e benefici ma isolarne i rischi.
In case di disservizio di un’istanza le altre non saranno affette dallo stesso disservizio. Inoltre, un problema su un’istanza può essere risolto celermente grazie ad una ridondanza data da sistemi di backup (4 full backup settimanali) che consentono in pochissimo tempo di ripristinare le condizioni a regime anche in caso di problemi di un certo livello su una singola istanza grazie alla cosiddetta AHAA (Advanced High Availiability Architecture)
Ogni istanza è un mondo a sé, con le sue specifiche applicazioni, integrazioni e customizzazioni.
I protocolli di sicurezza adottati da ServiceNow sono certificati da terze parti qualificate. Oltre a questa garanzia, SN permette anche l’integrazione con sistemi Single Sign On per assicurare una ancor maggior sicurezza.
Un altro grado di separazione che SN garantisce è il cosidetto sistema Multi domain, grazie al quale è possibile separare dati e processi tra gruppi differenti ognuno dei quali può essere segregato in un dominio dedicato nel quale utilizzare logiche ad hoc pur restando all’interno della stessa istanza e condividendo determinati aspetti con tutta l’impresa.

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ServiceNow is an as a service, cloud-based platform that allows you to integrate business processes into a single instance and to develop, run and manage applications that serve the management of IT services.
The fact that the platform is in the cloud allows all users to connect from any device, at any time, thanks only to an internet connection.
Companies using ServiceNow have a single point of engagement for the entire enterprise.
Almost all other cloud systems are based on a Multi Tenant architecture. Where the 5 components in the figure

Everything is centered around a multitenant database that is common to all users and customers. A problem on that database becomes a problem for everyone who shares that database. An unavailability of that database creates an inefficiency for all those who rely on it.
With ServiceNow the music changes thanks to the "Multi Instance" configuration: image.png
Each organization can request one or more instances and ServiceNow will allow to share data and benefits but isolate the risks.
If one instance fails, the other instances will not be affected. In addition, a problem on an instance can be quickly solved thanks to a redundancy provided by backup systems (4 full backups per week) that allow in a very short time to restore the conditions to regime even in case of problems of a certain level on a single instance thanks to the so-called AHAA (Advanced High Availiability Architecture).
Each instance is a world in itself, with its own specific applications, integrations and customizations.
The security protocols adopted by ServiceNow are certified by qualified third parties. In addition to this guarantee, SN also allows integration with Single Sign On systems to ensure even greater security.
Another degree of separation that SN guarantees is the so-called Multi domain system, thanks to which you can separate data and processes between different groups each of which can be segregated into a dedicated domain in which to use ad hoc logic while remaining within the same instance and sharing certain aspects with the whole company.

ServiceNow is an as a service, cloud-based platform that allows you to integrate business processes into a single instance and to develop, run and manage applications that serve the management of IT services.
The fact that the platform is in the cloud allows all users to connect from any device, at any time, thanks only to an internet connection.
Companies using ServiceNow have a single point of engagement for the entire enterprise.
Almost all other cloud systems are based on a Multi Tenant architecture. Where the 5 components in the figure

Everything is centered around a multitenant database that is common to all users and customers. A problem on that database becomes a problem for everyone who shares that database. An unavailability of that database creates an inefficiency for all those who rely on it.
With ServiceNow the music changes thanks to the "Multi Instance" configuration: image.png
Each organization can request one or more instances and ServiceNow will allow to share data and benefits but isolate the risks.
If one instance fails, the other instances will not be affected. In addition, a problem on an instance can be quickly solved thanks to a redundancy provided by backup systems (4 full backups per week) that allow in a very short time to restore the conditions to regime even in case of problems of a certain level on a single instance thanks to the so-called AHAA (Advanced High Availiability Architecture).
Each instance is a world in itself, with its own specific applications, integrations and customizations.
The security protocols adopted by ServiceNow are certified by qualified third parties. In addition to this guarantee, SN also allows integration with Single Sign On systems to ensure even greater security.
Another degree of separation that SN guarantees is the so-called Multi domain system, thanks to which you can separate data and processes between different groups each of which can be segregated into a dedicated domain in which to use ad hoc logic while remaining within the same instance and sharing certain aspects with the whole company.

Life isn't a train. It's a shit tornado full of gold..png

ServiceNow est une plateforme en tant que service, dans le nuage, qui permet d'intégrer au sein d'une même instance des processus d'affaires et de développer, exécuter et gérer des applications qui servent à gérer les services informatiques.
Le fait que la plateforme soit dans le nuage permet à tous les utilisateurs de se connecter depuis n'importe quel appareil, à tout moment, grâce à une simple connexion internet.
Les entreprises qui utilisent ServiceNow disposent d'un point d'engagement unique pour l'ensemble de l'entreprise.
Presque tous les autres systèmes en nuage sont basés sur une architecture multi-locataires. Où les 5 composants de la figure

Tout est centré sur une base de données multitenant commune à tous les utilisateurs et clients. Un problème sur cette base de données devient un problème pour tous ceux qui partagent cette base de données. L'indisponibilité de cette dernière crée un préjudice pour tous ceux qui en dépendent.
Avec ServiceNow la musique change grâce à la configuration "Multi Instance" : image.png
Chaque organisation peut demander une ou plusieurs instances et ServiceNow permettra de partager les données et les avantages tout en isolant les risques.
En cas de défaillance d'une instance, les autres instances ne seront pas affectées par la même défaillance. En outre, un problème sur une instance peut être rapidement résolu grâce à une redondance assurée par des systèmes de sauvegarde (4 sauvegardes complètes par semaine) qui permettent de rétablir rapidement les conditions même en cas de problèmes d'un certain niveau sur une seule instance grâce à la dénommée AHAA (Advanced High Availiability Architecture).
Chaque instance est un monde en soi, avec ses applications, ses intégrations et ses personnalisations spécifiques.
Les protocoles de sécurité adoptés par ServiceNow sont certifiés par des tiers qualifiés. En plus de cette garantie, SN permet également l'intégration de systèmes d'authentification unique (Single Sign On) pour assurer une sécurité encore plus grande.
Un autre degré de séparation que garantit SN est le système dit multi-domaine, grâce auquel il est possible de séparer les données et les processus entre différents groupes, chacun d'entre eux pouvant être séparé en un domaine dédié dans lequel il pourra utiliser une logique ad hoc tout en restant dans la même instance et en partageant certains aspects avec l'ensemble de l'entreprise.
