Learning Solidity - My first smartcontract



Today I decided to get deeper into blockchain coding and started a Solidity course. Solidity is the language used in Ethereum blockchain and all EVM compatible chains as Polygon, BSC, and many others.

I learned basic coding long ago, when I was at college, but have never really used it in my professional life. I've done some online python and machine learning courses as I wanted to get a deeper understanding of artificial intelligence and after interacting with blockchain for a few years, I decided it was about time to get some basic coding learning to better understand how dApps work.

One of the reasons It has taken me so long has been the lack of good free learning resources. Although Solidity is probably the most used blockchain programing language during the past three or four years, it was not possible to find good free learning material designed for almost new to coding students.

Besides the material, you used to need to install a bunch of tools to be able to simulate a local blockchain in your computer to test and debug code before even trying to deploy in a testnet. A few months ago, a great free online IDE (Interactive Development Environment) appeared which offers you a nice way to do everything online, without having to install anything in your machine as it offers you a way to code, compile, and deploy your smartcontracts in a simulated blockchain or in any testnet or mainnet of EVM compatible chains.


You can do all that with Remix IDE, which comes with a great online user manual you can add to the official Solidity language documentation.

Add to all those tools the amazing free 16hr course from FreeCodeCamp created by Patrick Collins and you are all set to jump into this incredible world.

All the code is included in an amazing Github repository you can use to keep track of everything explained in the video.

After a few hours, I was able to deploy my first smartcontract in Rinkeby testnet. So all I can say is this is a great tool for those wanting to get their hands dirty into blockchain programing for the first time.


Posted with STEMGeeks
