Animal Kingdom🧠📚 / Reino animal🦅🦐🐟🦌

Hello science loving friends! Today we are going to learn a little more about the Biological kingdom, which for me is the most extraordinary, the animal kingdom or (metazoans), in order to identify all the organisms of the animal kingdom, we must first know that they must meet some requirements, such as: (formed For cells with a true nucleus, they must acquire their food through organic matter, obviously they must be made up of at least two or many more cells and finally they must have functional tissue. I have put together all these photos to learn more about animals!🧠📚🦐

Hola amigos amantes de la ciencia! hoy vamos a conocer un poco mas sobre el reino Biologico que para mi es el mas extraordinario el reino animal o (metazoos), para lograr identificar todos los organismos del reino animal debemos primero conocer que deben cumplir algunos requisitos, como por ejemplo:( formados por celulas con un nucleo verdadero, tienen que adquirir su alimento mediante la materia organica, obviamente deben estar formado por minimo dos o muchas mas celulas y por ultimo deben tener tejido funcional he reunido todas estas fotos para aprender mas sobre los animales!😁👨‍💻🔬🦎

What is interesting about this kingdom?🦓🐴🐔 / Que tiene de interesante este reino??🙇‍♂️👨‍💻🧠

Actually there are many characteristics that make the animal kingdom an exclusive and surprising category, first we have to highlight that movement is its main strength there are different types of movement from flight to swimming, to separate animals from the plant kingdom we must mention that in the animal kingdom these individuals do not have a chloroplast, there is a single exception and it is the case of the species: (Elysia chlorotica), they lack a "cell wall" and of course the famous "blastula embryonic phase" is present, unique to this group!🦐📚
En realidad hay muchas caracteristicas que hacen del reino animal una categoria exclusiva y sorprendente, primero tenemos que resaltar que el movimiento es su principal fuerte hay diferentes tipos de desplazamiento desde el vuelo, hasta el nado, para separar a los animales del reino vegetal debemos mencionar que en el reino animal estos inviduos no presentan cloroplasto, hay una unica exepcion y es el caso de la especie: (Elysia chlorotica), carecen de "pared celular" y claro esta presente la famosa "fase embrionaria blastula" unica de este grupo!🧠👨‍💻🔬

Marine complexity🌅🌏

Our species "the human being" is located within the animal kingdom, but another interesting aspect is that we can find many animals, such is the case of insects that can undergo metamorphosis, something unique within this kingdom, the "branch of biology that studies animals is zoology".😮📚🤯

Dentro del reino animal se ubica nuestra especie "el ser humano" pero otro aspecto interesante es que podemos encontrar muchos animales tal es el caso de insectos que pueden sufrir metamorfosis algo unico dentro de este reino, la "rama de la biologia que estudia a los animales es la zoologia".🌅🙇‍♂️

Characteristic🦓🦎🐔 / Características🙇‍♂️👨‍💻🧠

We believe that animals are the only ones that can move in nature and it is not true that algae can also move by means of cilia or flagella, but in the animal kingdom there is a great diversity of species that have developed unique movements for both Biologists have had to classify animals according to the type of movement they perform!🌏🧠
Creemos que los animales son los unicos que pueden desplazarse en la naturaleza y no es cierto las algas tambien pueden desplazarse por medio de los cilios o los flagelos, pero en el reino animal hay una gran diversidad de especies que han desarrollado desplazamientos unicos por tanto los biologos han tenido que clasificar los animales segun el tipo de desplazamiento que realiza! 🐟🦅

  • Animals in the animal kingdom must be "eukaryotic and also multicellular."

  • The way in which they acquire energy must be from organic matter, heterotrophic or it can be at the cellular level through pinocytosis or phagocytosis.

  • The metabolism in the animal kingdom is only aerobic, that is, it needs oxygen to carry out respiration, although this is currently debatable because there are marine organisms that do not need oxygen to carry out cellular respiration.

  • Reproduction is another characteristic of this kingdom and that is that all animals reproduce sexually, but care must be taken with this characteristic because there are sexual organisms that can also reproduce asexually.

  • "Embryonic development occurs by means of embryo and "embryonic leaves"

  • In the animal kingdom, the vast majority of animals, with the exception of sponges, have radial and bilateral symmetry or "they are the most common"

I believe that within the animal kingdom, sea sponges are the strangest and most specialized animals since they have tissue in the form of a "muscle" that can be used for movement, protection or hunting, these animals have a "chamber that they use as a digestive system And they only have two holes.🤓📚
Creo que dentro del reino animal las esponjas de mar son los animales mas extraños y especializados ya que poseen tejido en forma de "musculo" que puede ser utilizado para el desplazamiento, proteccion o caza, estos animales tiene una "camara que utilizan como sistema digestivo y unicamente tienen dos orificios.🦎🐟🦅

scaly animals🐟🌏

In the animal kingdom all individuals are "eukaryotes" they have an "extracellular" matrix, which is mainly composed of collagen and "glycoproteins", the latter can acquire interesting characteristics and can calcify to create structures such as: "shells, bones"😮📚🤯

En el reino animal todos los individuos son "eucariotas" tienen una matrix "extracelular", que se compone principalmente por colageno y "glucoproteinas", estas ultimas pueden adquirir caracteristicas interesantes pudiendose calcificar para crear estructuras como: "conchas, huesos"🌅🙇‍♂️

Function of the animals🦓🦎🐔 / Funciones de los animales🙇‍♂️👨‍💻🧠

Animals have a wide variety of functions within the ecosystem, feeding is one of their functions because almost none of them can absorb food, on the contrary there must be an intake and over the years they have evolved to feed on all kinds of food, being able to be from scavengers to herbivores.🧠🌏
Los animales tienen una gran variedad de funciones dentro del ecosistema, la alimentacion es una de sus funciones porque casi ninguno de ellos pueden absorber el alimento, al contrario debe existir una ingesta y con el pasar de los años han evolucionado para alimentarse de todo tipo de alimentos, pudiendo ser desde carroñeros hasta herbiboros.🦧🦍🐈🐅

It does not matter what ecosystem the animal is in, it needs to breathe, it is important to take oxygen from the environment to decompose it into carbon dioxide, there are animals with skin so thin that they can literally breathe through their skin just like toads do.🦧🦍
Es indiferente en que ecosistema se encuentre el animal necesita respirar, es importante tomar del ambiente oxigeno para descomponerlo en dioxido de carbono, hay animales con pieles tan delgadas que pueden literalmente respirar por la piel tal como hacen los sapos.🐔🦓

Circulation is also something characteristic of the animal kingdom, many large animals have some type of circulation, the smallest just do diffusion because they have few cells to irrigate! There is open, closed circulation.🐟🦅

La circulacion tambien es algo caracteristico del reino animal, muchos animales de gran tamaño tienen algun tipo de circulacion, los mas pequeños basta con hacer difusion porque tienen pocas celulas para irrigar! hay circulacion abierta, cerrada.🦍🐈

Many organisms in their physiology must release waste such as ammonia to get rid of these toxic substances must have an excretory system.🐟🦅

Muchos organismos en su fisiologia deben desprender desechos tal es el caso del amoniaco para librarse de esas sustancias toxicas deben poseer un sistema excretor.🧠🌏

reaction capacity💥🌏

Animals have specialized cells that help them respond to certain stimuli from the environment, in many animals the receptor cells form nerves and these capture stimuli such as light.😮📚🦾

Los animales tienen celulas especializadas que les ayuda a responder a cierto estimulos del ambiente, en muchos animales las celulas receptoras forman nervios y estos captan estimulos como por ejemplo la luz.💥🙇‍♂️

Some animals prefer to live on a fixed substrate, but the vast majority of them have "muscles" that allow them to move by different means, aquatic, terrestrial or through the air.🦧🦾💥

Algunos animales prefieren vivir en un sustrato fijo, pero la gran mayoria de ellos tienen "musculos" que les permite desplazarse por diferentes medios, acuatico, terrestre o por el aire.🧠🦾

According to fossils, animals could appear on earth more than 850 million years ago in the cryogenic-tonic era, the oldest animals known to man date from 550 million years ago at the end of the Precambrian.👨‍💻🙇‍♂️🕵️‍♂️

Segun los fosiles los animales pudieron aparecer en la tierra hace mas de 850 millones de años en la era criogenico-tonico los animales mas antiguos que conoce el hombre datan de hace 550 millones de años a finales del precambrico.🦕🦖🦈


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Referencias bibliograficas / Sources:

This post was created with the characteristics mentioned in the previous quote, together with knowledge acquired from my profession, direct quotes are used: ""


Nice explanation about the animal kingdom! It is a very large group of living beings !


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 127 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!


Your photography and informative posts never disappoint! @oscurity

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Qué buena publicación!! Amo a los animales también y me parecen fascinantes sus dinámicas y modo de socialización. Creo que en numerosas ocasiones son maestros para las personas, además de ser preciosos. Me encantaron las fotos y el paseo que nos diste por los ecosistemas marino y terrestre para comentarnos del reino animal!


The animal kingdom is really diverse. A lot of families and sub families😂
